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Thinking with Technology Intel’s Thinking Tools. The Thinking with Technology Course 0 Learn about different Thinking Theories 0 Create a teacher Workspace.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking with Technology Intel’s Thinking Tools. The Thinking with Technology Course 0 Learn about different Thinking Theories 0 Create a teacher Workspace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking with Technology Intel’s Thinking Tools

2 The Thinking with Technology Course 0 Learn about different Thinking Theories 0 Create a teacher Workspace where you set up thinking tool exercises 0 Create a project incorporating the Thinking Tools 0 Create Assessments using the Intel Assessment site

3 Thinking with Technology Tools 0 Visual Ranking 0 Seeing Reason 0 Showing Evidence

4 On Line Tools 0 Work only when connected to Internet 0 Teachers can set up projects 0 Stored on Intel data base 0 Can be accessed from any computer which is on line 0 Require Flash to run the tools

5 Visual Ranking

6 0 "The exercise of ordering your favourites…ranking one a level higher than another, and then articulating why you chose the way you did-requires a depth and clarity of consideration and comparison that inspires richer appreciation and enjoyment." Michael J. Gelb, How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

7 What is ranking? 0 Making Lists 0 Putting things in order from 0 Best to worst 0 Most important to least important 0 Favourite to least favourite 0 Simple Ranking exercises 0 Parachute debate 0 Favourite restaurants 0 Worst villain in TV soaps

8 What makes Visual Ranking different from any other type of ranking exercise? 0 It is visual 0 It is electronic 0 It allows for articulation of the reasons behind your choices 0 It can be saved in different versions and revisited any time


10 0 Teacher ID = averyd 0 Student ID = conf1 0 Password = intel 0 Select “Which Extreme Sport is the most fun?”” 0 nking/ nking/

11 Encouraging Higher Order Thinking 0 Work in groups 0 Evaluate each ranking 0 Reach consensus 0 Justify your choices 0 Compare with other groups

12 How do you use it in a classroom? 0 Brainstorm and then create a list to rank 0 Make a rank list as an introduction to a lesson 0 Make a rank list to help learners process data they have gathered

13 Where do you find it? 0 king/ king/

14 Seeing Reason

15 0 Students use higher-order thinking skills when they analyze cause and effect.

16 The Seeing Reason Tool 0 CAUSAL MAPPING 0 Maps CAUSE and EFFECT relationships 0 Helps students analyse complex systems eg 0 If x happens then y will happen 0 a was caused by b 0 What caused z to happen? 0 Are a and x linked in any way?


18 Teacher ID = averyd Student ID = conf1 Password = intel Select “Effective Learning?”

19 Higher order thinking skills 0 Collaborative work 0 Analysis of complex systems 0 Categorisation 0 Precise use of language to describe precise situations

20 Where do you find it? 0 ason

21 Showing Evidence

22 0 "People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." Gilbert Chesterton (1874-1936) English writer

23 The Showing Evidence Tool 0 Tool to develop argument 0 Evaluation of evidence 0 Making decisions 0 Helps learners to construct well-reasoned arguments supported by evidence, using a visual framework


25 The Hypothesis/Claim 0 The most dangerous sports are not “extreme sports” but South Africa’s two national sports, Rugby and Soccer.

26 0 Extreme Sports are usually well regulated and have stringent safety measures in place. 0 Regular sports, however, are played by large numbers of players, often young players, often without supervision and safety measures. 0 This often leads to injury and fatality.

27 Aspects of the Tool 0 Learners rate the quality of the evidence

28 0 Learners decide if it supports the evidence or not, and how strong its support is


30 Teacher ID = averyd Team ID = conf1 Password = intel “Is Extreme the same as Dangerous?” Evidence Evidence

31 Higher Order Thinking Skills 0 Constructing an argument 0 Analysis – analysing evidence 0 Evaluation – of data and sources 0 Making decisions – using the ranking of the evidence 0 Synthesis – creating your own knowledge

32 Using this tool in the classroom 0 Teacher creates a Claim (hypothesis) and learners find evidence to prove/disprove it 0 Teacher provides evidence and learners create a claim for one side or other of the argument 0 Learners are given a topic area and create the claim and find evidence

33 Where do you find it? 0 Evidence Evidence

34 The Thinking with Technology Course 0 One of the Intel stable offered by Schoolnet 0 Contact Dezlin at or 0

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