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Сценарий лингво-страноведческой игры «Звездный час» для 9 класса по теме “США” Жилякова Оксана Александровна Идентификатор 240-125-084.

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Presentation on theme: "Сценарий лингво-страноведческой игры «Звездный час» для 9 класса по теме “США” Жилякова Оксана Александровна Идентификатор 240-125-084."— Presentation transcript:

1 Сценарий лингво-страноведческой игры «Звездный час» для 9 класса по теме “США” Жилякова Оксана Александровна Идентификатор 240-125-084

2 I General information about the USA Round 1. “Geography” Question 1 1. Pacific 2. Atlantic 3. Indian 4. Arctic Question 2 1. 2 million square kilometers 2. 19,5 million square kilometers 3. 9,5 million square kilometers 4. 10 million square kilometers Question 3 1.40 states 2. 13 states 3. 52 states 4. 50 states Question 4 1. 200 mln 2. 150 mln 3. 270 mln 4.100 mln Question 5 1.the Yukon 2. the Missouri 3. the Mississippi 4.the Colorado Question 6 1.the Rocky Mountains 2. the Alps 3. the Cordillera Mountains 4. the Appalachian Mountains

3 Round 2 “Names of the states” 1.Minnesota 2. Michigan 3.Kansas 4. Illinois 5. Utah 6. Alaska

4 Round 3 “American English” Film - Lorry - Sweets - Flat - Lift - Underground – Marks – Form – trousers – Autumn –

5 II HISTORY Round 4 “Dates” 1. 1492 2. 1789 3. 1776 4. 1620 5. 1996 6. 1969

6 Round 5 “Holidays”

7 Round 6 “ Famous people”

8 III Places of interest Round 7 “Cities”

9 Round 8 “Sightseeing”

10 Игра с болельщиками: Complete the sentences: Native Americans came from … They helped a lot to English … In those days people lived in … Most of them were very … Some people were hunters, some people were good … They believed in many … The famous tradition was smoking of a …

11 Блицтурнир

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