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Write 5 Fun Facts About Yourself. Use complete sentences.

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1 Write 5 Fun Facts About Yourself. Use complete sentences.
Bellwork: Friday 8/13 Write 5 Fun Facts About Yourself. Use complete sentences.

2 Check What Not To Do Lab Essential Learning Objective: How do I select the appropriate tools and procedures in order to conduct an experiment? TOC #1 Tape the What not to do lab on page 5. Fold it in half to tape it in your SNB

3 How do you react to failure?
Think about a recent failure, something that did not go the way you wanted. Be ready to describe what happened and how you reacted to your group.

4 A renown psychologist’s take on failure
It’s all in your head! Actually your mind, there are 2 different mind sets that people use when the deal with failure. According to psychologist Carol Dweck they are… A fixed mind set A growth mind set One of these mind sets help people get over failure quickly and bounce back and overall are more successful, while the other prevents even the most gifted and talented people from being successful.

5 Which mind set do you have?
Pick the statement that you MOST agree with. Your abilities like intelligence and athletic and artistic talent are just something you are born with and people can’t change them much. B. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent or talented you are. C. No mater how much natural ability you are born with, you can always change quite a bit. D People can dramatically enhance their intelligence and talents if they work hard at it.

6 Which mind set do you have?
2. Pick the statement that you MOST agree with. You are a certain kind of person and there is not much that can be done to really change that. B. No matter what kind of person you are, you can always change substantially. You can do things differently, but the important parts of who you are can’t really be changed. D. You can always change basic things about the kind of person you are.

7 Which mind set do you have?
3. Which would you rather be known for, someone who always gives it their all, or someone who just seems to have it all?


9 Which mindset do Calvin and his friend demonstrate in the cartoon
Which mindset do Calvin and his friend demonstrate in the cartoon? Support your answer with specific details the characters say and do and use details from your notes about mindset.

10 Set your intention! Select one of the words on the screen or think of a word yourself that resonates with you to help you trigger a growth mind set. Write it on your card and place it in a location where you will see it often when you need to adjust your mindset. Compassion Delight Generosity Gratitude Abundance Creativity Willingness Change Growth Freedom Mastery Presence Acceptance Courage Confidence Action Forgiveness Release Trust Knowing Patience Friendship Grace Laughter Love Expansion Exploration Adventure Openness Discipline Awe Awareness Risk Gentleness Choice Spirit Playfulness Allow Artfulness Attention Beauty Joy Focus Clarity Pioneer Peace Yes Commitment Listen Determination Passion

11 Textbook Activity TOC: Entry #2
1) Turn to page 545. What is located on pages 545 to 551? What is the purpose for this information on these pages? 2) Turn to page 559. What is located on pages 559 to 570? What is the purpose for this information on these pages? 3) Turn to page 515. What is located on pages 515 to 518? Have you ever constructed anything like the items shown on these pages? If yes, when and which one(s)? 4) Turn to page 519. What is located on pages 519 to 520? Have you ever used anything like the items shown on these pages? If yes, when and which one(s)? 5) Turn to page 532 and 533. You will see scientific method described in 6 steps. Number your paper from one to six, and briefly summarize each step

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