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Table of Contents – Russia DateTitleLesson # 11/19Conflict25 11/24European Union26 12/3Europe Review27 **RUSSIA (EURASIA) UNIT** 12/8Cover Page and Map28.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents – Russia DateTitleLesson # 11/19Conflict25 11/24European Union26 12/3Europe Review27 **RUSSIA (EURASIA) UNIT** 12/8Cover Page and Map28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents – Russia DateTitleLesson # 11/19Conflict25 11/24European Union26 12/3Europe Review27 **RUSSIA (EURASIA) UNIT** 12/8Cover Page and Map28 12/9Cut-Away Boxes29 12/10Human-Environment Interaction30

2 Background The President has hired you as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To fight global warming and save the planet he wants you to determine how badly Russia messed up their environment. Through the next three days you analyze three case studies and ultimately create your plan outlining their contributions and how we should fix the problems.

3 Research 1. Use the slides below and the available resources to gather research in your notebook. 2. Slides that say read only in the bottom left, just read. 3. All other slides, record the notes and complete all tasks. 4. Answer all questions in complete sentences so that you do not have to write the question. READ ONLY

4 Government Policies of the Soviet Union - How they affected the environment.

5 Introduction Before you begin your research answer the questions below use p. 364. 1.What economic system did the Soviet Union create? 2.What did the government take control of? 3.What was the major goal of the Soviet government? - Get your questions approved. Then get a laptop and go to to access the materials. They are under today’s date, under marking period

6 Case Study #1 - Volga River EWWWWWWWW

7 Check out the color of the Volga river here in the countryside. Anyone want a sip? READ ONLY

8 - Location -Starts North of Moscow -Empties into the Caspian Sea A. How many big cities are on the Volga? B. How do you think the Volga is used? CASPIAN SEA

9 Cause #1 – Rapid Industrialization Russian factory on the Volga River, 1956

10 Cause #2 – Flows through major cities This is a factory that is presently in the Russian city Kazan. The river flows right through this area of high industry. = location of the river

11 #3. Modern Pollution – Predict the source of each pollution example below.

12 Cause #4 – Collective Farming -Collective Farming made farming an industry. -Use the reading from a British University to answer the questions below.reading 1.Explain the Big Push 2. Identify the four goals of farming in a developing nation. 3.How were the collective farms created? 4.Describe the average collective farm. 5.Was collectivization successful? Explain why or why not.

13 Directions: In your notebook, complete the Frayer Model below. COLLECTIVE FARMING 2. Definition  use p. 364 to define it. 3. Why did Stalin create collective farms? 4. Sketch

14 Effects on Russia In Dzerzhinsk, Russia, waste from 190 chemicals has turned the groundwater into a dangerous toxic sludge. Life expectancy there is 42 for men and 47 for women. - Explain this effect.

15 Volga River The Delta of the Volga Looking from space, sometimes the delta will look like a large fan, or maybe the root system of a plant. Sediment and Pollution into the Caspian Sea The Caspian Sea is filling up with sediment and industrial waste! This image lets us see how the pollution is flowing into the sea from the river. This is the mouth of the Volga River (in Russia) as it empties into the Caspian Sea. The Volga is the largest river system in Europe. Image Courtesy of NASA Earth Observatory Explain this slide

16 Effects on the Caspian Sea – Fish kills - Fish kills occur when the temperature increases causing plant growth to increase which sucks the oxygen out of the water.

17 Conclusion IssueCauses (draw 3 pictures) Effects (draw 3 pictures) Solutions

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