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Jeopardy Cultural Geography Physical Geography Imperial Era Soviet Union ?????? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Cultural Geography Physical Geography Imperial Era Soviet Union ?????? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Cultural Geography Physical Geography Imperial Era Soviet Union ?????? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 ????

3 $100 Question from H1 This is the Slavic alphabet that Russia uses.

4 $100 Answer from H1 What is Cyrillic?

5 $200 Question from H1 This is the dominant form of Christianity in Russia.

6 $200 Answer from H1 What is Orthodox Christianity?

7 $300 Question from H1 a This is where most people in Russia live.

8 $300 Answer from H1 What is the Northern European Plain?

9 $400 Question from H1 This is the approximate percentage of Russians that are ethnically Russian.

10 $400 Answer from H1 What is 80%?

11 $500 Question from H1 This Russian scientist developed the theory of the conditioned response.

12 $500 Answer from H1 Who is Ivan Pavlov?

13 $100 Question from H2 This provides a major transportation route and hydroelectric power for Russia.

14 $100 Answer from H2 What is the Volga River?

15 $200 Question from H2 This is the oldest and deepest lake in the world.

16 $200 Answer from H2 What is Lake Baikal?

17 $300 Question from H2 This is where chernozem can be found.

18 $300 Answer from H2 What is the Northern European Plain?

19 $400 Question from H2 Global warming has had a visible effect on this area.

20 $400 Answer from H2 What is Siberia?

21 $500 Question from H2 This causes Siberia to flood frequently in the spring.

22 $500 Answer from H2 What is ice in the Arctic Circle preventing rivers from emptying into the ocean?

23 $100 Question from H3 This leader desired to Westernize Russia.

24 $100 Answer from H3 Who is Peter the Great?

25 $200 Question from H3 This leader was the last Russian Czar.

26 $200 Answer from H3 Who is Nicolas II?

27 $300 Question from H3 This leader built St. Basils cathedral and made Russia an empire.

28 $300 Answer from H3 Who is Ivan IV “The Terrible”?

29 $400 Question from H3 This leader defeated the Tatars.

30 $400 Answer from H3 Who is Ivan III “The Great”?

31 $500 Question from H3 This leader liberated the Serfs.

32 $500 Answer from H3 Who is Alexander II?

33 $100 Question from H4 This prevented the use of nuclear weapons during the Cold War.

34 $100 Answer from H4 What is mutually assured destruction (M.A.D)?

35 $200 Question from H4 Soviets actively promoted this set of beliefs.

36 $200 Answer from H4 What is atheism.

37 $300 Question from H4 Damage to water, air, forests, and soil was caused by this during the Soviet Era.

38 $300 Answer from H4 What is industrial pollution?

39 $400 Question from H4 Daily Double!! These are the methods used by the United States and Soviet Union to compete during the Cold War.

40 $400 Answer from H4 What are space race, arms race, sports, and proxy wars.

41 $500 Question from H4 This policy reformed Soviet economy and government.

42 $500 Answer from H4 What is Perestroika?

43 $100 Question from H5 This was encouraged after the collapse of the Soviet Union and benefited the wealthy.

44 $100 Answer from H5 Who is privatization?

45 $200 Question from H5 There are this many time zones in Russia.

46 $200 Answer from H5 What is 11?

47 $300 Question from H5 Lake Baikal contains this percentage of the worlds unfrozen fresh water.

48 $300 Answer from H5 Who is 20%?

49 $400 Question from H5 This still-pristine area hold vast reserves of oil and natural gas.

50 $400 Answer from H5 What is the Arctic Circle?

51 $500 Question from H5 This has caused a decline in the population of Russian sturgeon.

52 $500 Answer from H5 What is the damning of the Volga River?


54 Final Jeopardy Catherine the Great expanded the Russian empire to its greatest extent, even reaching these two modern states in the United Sates..

55 Final Jeopardy What are Alaska and California?

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