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Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20141 «Russia – My Homeland»

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Presentation on theme: "Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20141 «Russia – My Homeland»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20141 «Russia – My Homeland»

2 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20142 The official name of our country is the Republic of the Russian Federation.

3 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20143 The Russian national flag The stripes are white, blue and red. These colours have always been symbolic in Russia: white-noble and sincere, blue-honest and devoted-devoted to friends, family and to the country. The red colour has always meant love and bravery.

4 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20144 The national emblem The national emblem is a two headed eagle. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

5 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20145 The hymn The hymn of Russia is a very solemn song, written by S.Mikhalkov and A.Alexandrov

6 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20146 There are over 180 nationalities in Russia

7 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20147 Boris Eltsin was the first President of the Russian Federation

8 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20148 Vladimir Putin is the President at the moment

9 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 20149 Dmitry Medvedev is the Prime Minister

10 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201410 The constitution is the highest law of the Russian Federation

11 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201411 Moscow is the capital of our country

12 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201412 The largest cities of the Russian Federation St.Petersburg Kazan Novosibirsk Samara

13 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201413 Russia is the largest country in the world

14 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201414 The birch (bereoza) is the national symbol of Russia

15 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201415 The most popular symbols of Russia

16 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201416 The longest rivers are The Volga The Ob The Lena

17 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201417 Lake Baikal is the deepest on the Earth

18 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201418 Tomsk is our regional capital

19 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201419 Urtam is the oldest village in the Tomsk region

20 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201420 We love our country and we are proud of it.

21 Russia.Ponokhno E.A. Urtam. 201421

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