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WEEK 1 Session 2 Feb 25 th, 2015 UNIT 1. What are these? What do they mean? Have you ever thought of such situations?

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 1 Session 2 Feb 25 th, 2015 UNIT 1. What are these? What do they mean? Have you ever thought of such situations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK 1 Session 2 Feb 25 th, 2015 UNIT 1

2 What are these? What do they mean? Have you ever thought of such situations?


4 trends/2014/WCMS_233936/lang--en/index.htm Other countries?

5 LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1)examine the differences between key terms related to job search, 2)evaluate effective strategies for job hunting.

6 Career Job Occupation Tell me the differences between … Give me examples … A C B

7 Create a page in your wiki and name it ‘Job Career Occupation’. Write and/ or upload the following activity on this page. In a team of three (3), you will be assigned to look for the meaning of one of the words. Write down the information you found. You will be randomly picked to present the information you found. You should also include some examples to illustrate the meaning. When your colleagues are presenting, note down important information. Compare information your colleagues presented and note down the differences.

8 An occupation is specific to the role in an organization. Example: physician, engineer, educator, or scientist, lecturer. A job is a work role with a specific organization. Example: One of the jobs as a lecturer at UMP is to teach. A career is a lifetime journey of building and making good use of your skills, knowledge and experiences. Example: A lecturer at UMP is promoted to a senior lecturer in 5 years and Associate Professor in 10 years.

9 What are important skills needed for effective job search? 1)Job hunting strategies 2)Researching employers

10 In a team of three (3), find information from the web on job hunting strategies. Prepare a 5 minutes presentation on the information you found. Create a page named ‘Job hunting strategies’. Upload your presentation slides/ ms word in your wikis. Each student from the team must present. When your colleagues are presenting, compare and contrast the information and then note them down in your wiki.

11 1. Know Thyself interests values needs skills personality

12 2. Aim for the Right Target 3. Do Some Investigating a. The Visible Job Market b. The Hidden Job Market

13 Ways to approach the employers in the hidden job market: Cold calls Phone calls Sending e-mails

14 4. Work the Network Do not be afraid to reach out Use your first communication to introduce yourself and establish common interest Be patient yet persistent Try to arrange an in-person meeting if possible Write out questions to ask and be considerate of your contact’s time Ask for additional people you can contact and continue to talk to people Send a thank-you note and keep track of your contacts

15 5. Get Professional Help 6. Be Temporarily Flexible 7. Say It Clearly 8. Keep Careful Records 9. Be Persistent

16 Let’s go to the Sports Complex and listen to…


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