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Aim: How are humans adapted for reproduction?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How are humans adapted for reproduction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How are humans adapted for reproduction?

2 Human Reproduction In order to aid our reproductive processes, the human body has two major anatomical adaptations: Reproductive System Hormones

3 Female Reproductive System
Ovaries – produce egg cells & hormones estrogen & (progesterone) Oviduct or Fallopian Tube – site of fertilization, carries egg to uterus Uterus – site where embryo develops Vagina – birth canal & site that allows for internal fertilization

4 Male Reproductive system
Testes – produce sperm & the hormone testosterone Scrotum – external sac that keeps testes cool Vas deferens - carry sperm from testes to penis Seminal vesicle & Prostate gland – produce liquid with glucose for sperm. Why? Urethra – carries urine & semen out of body

5 What is the name of this process & where does it take place?
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6 Girls Secondary Sex Characteristics
Hips widen Pubic Hair Breasts enlarge Due to the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

7 Hormonal Regulation of the Testes:
Beginning at puberty, the pituitary gland secretes FSH & LH. The rising levels of these hormones stimulate the testes to produce testosterone. Testosterone stimulates the production of sperm.

8 Boys Secondary Sex Characteristics
Voice Deepens Facial Hair Muscular Development Pubic Hair Due to the hormone Testosterone.

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