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WEST MIDLANDS REDUCING REOFFENDING STEERING GROUP Adrian McNulty, Operations Director SWM CRC and Chair of Steering Group. Chief Inspector Paul Betts,

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Presentation on theme: "WEST MIDLANDS REDUCING REOFFENDING STEERING GROUP Adrian McNulty, Operations Director SWM CRC and Chair of Steering Group. Chief Inspector Paul Betts,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WEST MIDLANDS REDUCING REOFFENDING STEERING GROUP Adrian McNulty, Operations Director SWM CRC and Chair of Steering Group. Chief Inspector Paul Betts, West Midlands Police lead on IOM

2 Opportunities to intervene The power of partnership working Video clip

3 The WMRRSG mission A collective responsibility to prevent and reduce reoffending by driving a partnership approach to the following reducing reoffending pathways: Accommodation, Education/Training/Employment, Health, Substance Misuse, Attitude/Thinking/Behaviour, Finance/Benefit/Debt, Children and Families, Women Offenders, Young People and Transition, Domestic Abuse, Restorative Justice IOM multi agency offender management.

4 Group Responsibilities Help shape partnership to achieve reductions in Re-offending, being a key Governmental objective Have a broader perspective to include preventative services. Improve methods for joint interventions Deliver strategy into local action Help agencies deliver partnership objectives in austere climates Help to co-ordinate thematic development of pathways, other key IOM issues and informed effective practice Enable regional IOM issues to be better understand and tackled Provide a forum to understand how arrangements in IOM practices locally impacts at a regional level Explore specific needs of BME & new developing communities to prevent and reduce offending Set achievable expectations and objectives to ensure it delivers outcomes.

5 Governance The importance of a Reducing Re-Offending forum at a regional level should add value to thematic IOM and pathway development for victims and offenders in the West Midlands. The Governance structure links into local IOM and YOT boards, but also connected with Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs), the wider Criminal Justice Partnership, Police and Crime Boards through to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

6 Core Membership Police National Probation Service Staffordshire and West Midlands Community Rehabilitation Company Community Safety Partnership National Offender Management Service Youth Offending Service Youth Justice Board Public Health England (PHE) Prison Services Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner A second non-core membership group that would attend on a cyclic nature when focusing on specific thematic areas of business

7 Our approach Agency champions identified Established forums used where sensible e.g. Reporting schedule into WMRRSG Guidance oversight for Local IOM/Reducing Reoffending Delivery groups Exploring measures of success e.g IDIOM to measure offending rates Governance of Domestic Abuse delivery

8 OUR WORK PLAN Workstream – Accommodation. Agreed partnership champions and forum to establish West Midlands Reducing Reoffending Accommodation Pathway Custody/ community accommodation pathway established for West Midlands residents Publicise/ raise awareness of available pathway Young Offender activty and adult transition established

9 OUR WORK PLAN Workstream: Health Agreed partnership champion and Forum to establish West Midlands Reducing Reoffending Health Pathway Publicity/ awareness raising re: available pathway Custody/ community pathway established Youth/ adult transition approach developed Criminal justice pre-court diversion clearly understood and embedded

10 OUR WORK PLAN Workstream: Domestic Abuse Increased access to evidence based perpetrator programmes, including victim services, in line with West Midlands standard. Provide effective governance for non-statutory perpetrator programmes Established links with troubled families programme to focus on prevention Establish custodial intervention as part of community transition Young adult transition services established

11 OUR WORK PLAN Workstream: ETE Agreed ETE pathway champions/ forum established Custody/ community pathway established Youth/ adult transition embedded Engagement with all range of ETE providers to increase awareness and accessibility pre, post-court, custody and community

12 OUR WORK PLAN Workstream: Substance Misuse Agreed partnership champion/ forum to establish reducing reoffending pathway Criminal Justice, including pre-court intervention, pathway well established Youth/ adult transition embedded Effective joint/ PHE commission to tackle prevention and early intervention

13 OUR WORK PLAN Youth offending Youth/Adult transition Building on success Focus on prevention and early help Work in progress

14 OUR WORK PLAN Restorative Justice Our ambition - A West Midlands Regional Unit for statutory and non statutory intervention Prevention and early intervention

15 OUR WORK PLAN Women Offenders An agreed pathway in community and custody Women specific interventions Women only environments and offers

16 Data and evidence IDIOM Wider partnership data Analysis, trends and patterns to guide where and when to intervene ( and when not to) = evidence informed


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