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STUDYING101 A guide to test taking and preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDYING101 A guide to test taking and preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDYING101 A guide to test taking and preparation.

2 Making Study Notes How to make Cornell notes.

3 Study Habits in General “I can try to accept gracefully all things that affect my life. I can think and act, not react, I can study and learn. I can listen...”  Use an agenda!!  Backwards planning Backwards planning  Colour coding Colour coding  Read over your notes at the end of each day.  Set aside a certain time of day to study and review—make it a habit!  Take 15 min breaks every 45mins of studying  Set goals and work towards them!

4 Your Brain on Studying  Working Memory  Lasts 5-30 seconds  Can only hold 7 bits of information  You must hear or see something 28 times in 3 weeks in order to transfer it to long term memory.  Use multiple learning styles to improve memory Memory

5 Will you Remember? Your brain will transfer some types of learning to long term memory more efficiently. Lecture Reading Audiovisual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice By Doing Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90% Avg. Retention Rate After 24 hrs.

6 Daily Keys to Success  There are a few things you can do in advance to help you prepare tests:  Listen actively in class  Participate in class  Stay on top of the daily work  Ask questions when you don’t understand  Prepare for tests appropriately  Make good study notes

7 Active Listening  Be Attentive  Think about what is being said  Write in your own words in your notes  Avoid distractions  Apply the golden rule!

8 3 Simple Things! Believe it or not, follow these three steps and you will retain more information.

9 How to Study for Math  Practice, Practice, Practice!  The toughest questions you do in class will likely be the type of questions you see on the test.  Math is cumulative, so don’t just ignore something you don’t know—ask questions and figure it out.  Study early and ask questions before the test.  Do the hardest problems multiple times but at intervals, and this will help you understand even the hardest of concepts with more clarity.  Join a study group

10 How to Study for Science  Do all of the homework, work out all of the problems, and complete all labs.  Study terms and definitions—they will help you with the language of the test.  When completing a lab make sure you can complete and answer it on your own—take it seriously.  Study most what you understand the least.  Study early so you can ask questions.

11 How to Study for English  Pay attention in class teachers are going to ask you about what has been discussed in class.  As you read the course readings imagine you are a part of the story, this will help you remember details of the story.  Ask yourself what sorts of questions the teacher is likely to ask and study for the answers.  Review plot, character, setting, symbols and theme concepts discussed in class.

12 Test Tips Night Before the Test  Start reviewing your notes early, from the time you get home until you go to sleep.  Eat some sort of pasta or any food rich in carbohydrates, it helps you sleep!  DO NOT fill up on sugar and/or caffeine, it will make you stay up late, and what little sleep you get will not be as good.  Set an alarm to get up a bit earlier the next day.

13 Test Tips On the Day of the Test  Since you are awake slightly earlier, use the time to make sure you have everything you need for the test ready to go.  Have eggs for breakfast, they boost your mental performance more than you think! Any sort of meat or protein rich food is excellent for your brain.  Be sure to use the washroom before entering the test!  Listen carefully to any specific instructions, and then read through the entire test.

14 It Doesn’t work! STOP CRAMMING

15 Memory Tricks For Studying 

16 We hope you enjoyed this lunch and learn. Remember see a teacher in TLC if you need help preparing for test or exams.

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