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A PPA Look at: School Violence Denise Whidden West Middle School 6th-8 th Special Education Teacher

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Presentation on theme: "A PPA Look at: School Violence Denise Whidden West Middle School 6th-8 th Special Education Teacher"— Presentation transcript:

1 A PPA Look at: School Violence Denise Whidden West Middle School 6th-8 th Special Education Teacher

2 REMEMBER… 6 Steps in a PPA 1. What is the problem? 2. Where is the evidence? 3. What are the causes? 4. What is the existing policy? 5. What policies can you create to correct the problem? 6. What is the best policy to correct the problem?

3 In this lesson, we are focusing on Steps 2 and 3… Step 2: What is the evidence? Step 2: What is the evidence? Step 3: What are the causes? Step 3: What are the causes?

4 AIM: Violence in America’s Schools

5 What’s the evidence? Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Bullying? School Violence Statistics School Violence Statistics Survivors Still Suffer Survivors Still Suffer


7 What causes school violence? 1.Access to Weapons

8 2. Media Violence Facts about Media Violence Statistics on Media Violence & Children

9 3. Bullying Bullied Kid Fights Back

10 4. Home Environment Family Violence, More Violent Kids?

11 It takes a village to raise a child. Let’s work together to reduce school violence!

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