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COSMO Large Coronagraph Preliminary Design Review

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1 COSMO Large Coronagraph Preliminary Design Review
Project Management Plan Scott Sewell National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado November 16 & 17, 2015

2 Project Management Plan
Outline Summary of Deliverables, Assumptions and Constraints Organizational Structures and Project Oversight Work Breakdown Structure and Project Management Control Systems Schedule & Phasing Budget

3 Project Deliverables 1.5m diameter internally occulted solar coronagraph Thermally controlled, variable occulter station with active positioning control Optical telescope assembly with objective lens cell, safety shutter and calibration optics Dual-channel, wide FOV, Lyot Filter based filtergraph for fully automated spectro-polarimetry Fully automated equatorial mount with blind pointing accuracy of 10 arc-seconds and a tracking precision of 0.2 arc-seconds (RMS) over 10 minutes Fully automated 15m diameter (5/8ths sphere) dome facility with azimuth and aperture control systems Contamination (particulate) management system to maintain required levels of cleanliness in observatory Observer control building with integrated software and electrical control systems designed for single observer operation

4 Top Level Project Assumptions and Constraints
HAO will partner with a Prime Contractor/Vendor partner for overall project management and design/construction leadership for selected observatory elements Dome enclosure building Observer control building Optical Telescope Assembly Pier, Mount and Telescope Control System HAO will build upon its long standing relationship with the NOAA Mauna Loa Observatory to site COSMO adjacent to the existing MLSO facility. Construction and phasing must pay detailed attention to the needs of NOAA operations COMSO footprint must be minimized and avoid clean-air sector impacts or existing instrumental sight lines

5 COSMO Management Structure
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6 COSMO Engineering Structure

7 HAO Organizational Structure

8 Request for Information Activity
We attempted to reduce costing uncertainty by conducing a formal (UCAR contracts office) RFI exercise with a variety of potential partners both large and small. They were asked to provide estimates with ~30% accuracy for specific subsystems within their firms area of expertise Upon subsequent project funding we will extend this effort with a formal RFP/RFQ process to establish our final partnerships Prime Contractor RFI Candidates Sub-System Vendor RFI Candidates EIE (Italy) Astronomical Consultants & Equipment L3-Brashear Equinox Interscience M3 DFS Engineering Satcom Lunt Solar Systems Observatory Sciences Ltd. This list is not comprehensive and a formal RFP would be extended to additional firms beyond these.

9 Project Management Control Systems
Cost and Schedule management using Oracle Primavera and UCAR financial reporting tools Requirements management using IBM DOORS software Excel based risk management (risk register subset shown at the end of this talk) Resource and communications management (supported by IG manager and High Altitude Observatory Instrumentation Advisory Committee – HIAC) Procurement and contracts management supported by UCAR contracts office These bullets summarize the content of the PMP section on Project Management Control Systems in place and utilized by HAO

10 Work Breakdown Structure

11 Budget Estimate and Breakdown by WBS
Description Labor [$M] Materials Equipment [$M] % Total Project 1 HAO & NCAR Management 1.28 0.05 0.09 6 2 HAO Systems Engineering 0.88 0.06 4 3 Prime Contractor Management 3.97 17 Facility Buildings 0.18 0.22 3.25 16 5 Large Coronagraph 0.50 0.04 5.39 25 Filtergraph 0.63 0.64 2.85 18 7 Facility Software and Controls 0.23 1.42 8 Science Integration and Verification 0.17 0.02 9 University Student Support 1.52 Totals $3.82 M $2.57 M $17.04 M $23.4 M

12 Schedule and Phasing Total estimated project duration is 66 months
Design and Development (33 months) Construction Phase (21 months) Integration and Verification Phase (12 months)

13 Spending Profiles Top – Materials Middle – Equipment Bottom - Labor
Design and Development Phase Construction Phase Integration & Verification Phase Reviews (with Prime): Requirements and ICD Concept Design Phase Detailed Design Filtergraph Design Review (HAO) Science Verification Completed Project Finish Top – Materials Middle – Equipment Bottom - Labor Add large caption explanation Annotate with milestones Long lead procurements initiated (objective lens and camera systems Coronagraph Commissioning Completed Final Site Approval and Prime Contractor Partnership Established Construction Begins on Mauna Loa

14 Thanks! Amy Knack Joanne Graham Kim Nesnadny Ron Lull Travis Kuennen
Rich Summers All the vendors who participated in the RFI process

15 Backup Slides

16 Risk Register – Subset


18 NSF

19 COSMO Risk Categorization

20 Risk Register Cont.

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