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Romeo & Juliet Unit 4 - Drama.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo & Juliet Unit 4 - Drama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo & Juliet Unit 4 - Drama

2 Characteristics of Drama
Written to be performed by actors Story is told mainly through dialogue and actions of the characters

3 Stage Directions Typically printed in italics
Explain how the characters should look, speak, move, and behave Can also describe the setting and scenery like lighting, props, and sound effects

4 Characters/Cast The cast of characters is listed at the beginning of a play

5 Dialogue Conversation between the characters
Plot and characterization is revealed through dialogue

6 Acts and Scenes The same as chapters in a book
They indicate a change in location or a passage of time

7 Vocabulary Terms Unique to Drama
Tragedy Aside Soliloquy Monologue Tragic Flaw Tragic Hero Comic Relief

8 Tragedy A serious play in which the chief character passes through a series of misfortunes leading to a final, devastating catastrophe (often death)

9 Aside A comment made by a character that is heard by the audience, but NOT heard by the other characters onstage

10 Soliloquy & Monologue A soliloquy is a speech delivered by a character who is alone onstage speaking to himself Monologue is a speech given by a character alone on stage to an audience

11 Tragic Flaw (hamartia)
A defect in the protagonist’s personality in a tragedy that brings the protagonist to ruin, sorrow, or death Examples: Impetuous, fickle, defiance, greed, arrogance

12 Tragic Hero The protagonist of a tragedy that possess a tragic flaw leading to his downfall or death Examples: Romeo & Juliet

13 Hubris Extreme pride or arrogance

14 Comic Relief Occurs when a short, funny episode interrupts an otherwise serious or tragic scene. It is meant to break the tension after a particularly intense scene.

15 Literary Devices Both prose and drama share literary devices
Example: foil characters A character that provides a strong contrast to another character. Purpose: to emphasize a character’s traits or make another character look better by comparison

16 Practice! Log into Quizlet

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