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How SIMS can help you Manage SEND Rachel Bailham Bar Hill SENDCo Website: Customer service:

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Presentation on theme: "How SIMS can help you Manage SEND Rachel Bailham Bar Hill SENDCo Website: Customer service:"— Presentation transcript:


2 How SIMS can help you Manage SEND Rachel Bailham Bar Hill SENDCo Email: Website: Customer service: 01480 376655

3 Where we were SIMS illiterate – ‘Neanderthal’ All SEND Pupil details kept in WORD Manual searching for information Data Manager highly skilled – knowledge lost when they left – skills not passed on

4 SurnameForenameGenderYearClass Area of Need EALAu F4LTyCL (SpLD) M6STCL (SpLD) - M3LTyCL (SpLD) M3LTyCL (SpLD) M5CMCL (SpLD) M3DHCL (SpLD) F6STCL (SpLD) M3LMCI (ASC) M3LMCL (SpLD) M4LTyCL (SpLD) M2KDCL (MLD) M3LTyCL (SpLD) F2KDCL (MLD) F2LTdCL (SpLD) M3DHSMEH M5CMSMEH M4LTyCL (SpLD) Total: 17


6 Issues Time consuming Open to mistakes Difficult to track for analysis purposes Unable to identify G and T Tracking progress for SEND

7 TP Course SLT workshop – cascading skills Analysis previously done by Head and Deputy Using TP reports and marksheets to analyse progress Able to get SEND overall progress (Reports) Drill down to pupil level on marksheets


9 SEND Course needed because Link to new Code of Practice Changes School Action and School Action+ replaced with SEN Support

10 On course Pupil register How to update status through a review With only having SEN Support how to identify and record children that were ‘Cause for Concern’ How to record interventions Developed a protocol for recording hard and soft measure of progress


12 On course Use of links for attendance and behaviour Utilising TP reports to analyse SEND against whole cohort – K/S/E Compare boys/ girls


14 Outcomes Reporting for Governors – show progress for SEND Changes in register much easier to process Less time consuming – more analysis and focusing on next steps Easier to share data with Staff – all teachers now responsible

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