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Position power  Derived from top-level management and delegated down the chain of command. Personal power  Derived from the follower.

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Presentation on theme: "Position power  Derived from top-level management and delegated down the chain of command. Personal power  Derived from the follower."— Presentation transcript:



3 Position power  Derived from top-level management and delegated down the chain of command. Personal power  Derived from the follower.

4  You’ve been placed in charge of a team and are asked to take responsibility for their progress.  Although you are the team leader, you are aware that there are individuals in the group who will take issue. Quite a few individuals in the group have more experience, background and understanding of the overall project. A few of the individuals will question your ability to lead the group and will try to embarrass you in front of the group simply because you’re not as qualified as others to lead, however, you are in charge….  What should you do? Defend your answer.

5 1. Coercive power: involves threats and/or punishment 2. Connection power : based on user’s relationship w/influential people. 3. Reward power: user’s ability to influence w/something of value 4. Legitimate power : based on user’s position power. 5. Referent power : based on the user’s personal power. 6. Information power : based on the user’s information desired by others. 7. Expert power : based on user’s skill and knowledge.

6 Personal powerPosition power ExpertReferentRewardCoercive InformationLegitimateConnection Laissez-faireParticipativeConsultative Autocratic

7 Reciprocity: creating obligations and debts, developing alliances, and using them to accomplish objectives.


9  Workplace bullying, like childhood bullying, is the tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive or unreasonable behaviour against a co-worker or subordinate. Workplace bullying can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, psychological, physical abuse and humiliation. This type of aggression is particularly difficult because, unlike the typical forms of school bullying, workplace bullies often operate within the established rules and policies of their organization and their society. Bullying in the workplace is in the majority of cases reported as having been perpetrated by management and takes a wide variety of forms. Bullying can be covert or overt. 





14  Document all bullying incidents that occur within the workplace.  Dates  Times  Names of those present  See the HR manager



17  Loyalty  Cooperation  Initiative  Information  Openness to criticism  Civility


19 Ethics: the moral standard of right and wrong behavior. Type I ethics: behavior that is considered wrong by authorities, yet not accepted by others as unethical. Type II ethics: behavior that is considered wrong by authorities and the individual, yet conducted anyway. Ethical politics: behavior that benefits both the individual and the organization. (Egoism) Unethical politics: behavior that benefits the individual and hurts the organization.


21  If, after making a decision, you are proud to tell all the relevant parties your decision, the decision is probably ethical. If you are embarrassed to tell others your decision, or you keep rationalizing the decision, it may not be ethical. ALSO  The golden rule: “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.” or “Don’t do anything to anyone that you wouldn’t want them to do to you.” OR  The Rotary Four-Way Test: (1) Is it the truth? (2) Is it fair to all concerned? (3) Will it build goodwill and better friendship? (4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

22 If you are proud to tell all relevant parties your decision, it is probably ethical. If you are embarrassed to tell all the relevant parties your decision or keep rationalizing, it is probably unethical. People outside the organization Superiors Organization as a whole Other organizations Other department members Peers Subordinates Superiors You (Horizontalpolitics) Coercive power Unit/department as a whole (Vertical politics) Connection power Legitimate power Reward power Information power Referent power Expert power Create a win-win situation for all relevant parties. Answer their unasked question— What’s in it for me?

23 Relations with subordinates  Friendship  Open-door policy (the practice of being available to employees)

24  Relations with peers  Cooperation  Competition  Criticism  Relations with members of other departments  Cooperation  Compliance  Creating win-win situations  WIIFM? (What’s in it for me?)

25  Be prepared  Dress professionally  Arrive early  Listen for names/cues  Wait to be seated  Utilize firm, professional handshakes  Remember manners (verbal and written)  Be last, don’t insist on being first!  Business meals are not casual  No alcohol (or only moderate amounts)  No food in mouth while taking  Pay for lunch if you are invited  When in doubt, observe behavior of others.

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