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“No theme is more central to the study of the Bible than that of the messiah.” ~ Richard S. Hess, Old Testament Scholar.

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Presentation on theme: "“No theme is more central to the study of the Bible than that of the messiah.” ~ Richard S. Hess, Old Testament Scholar."— Presentation transcript:



3 “No theme is more central to the study of the Bible than that of the messiah.” ~ Richard S. Hess, Old Testament Scholar

4 “Our world is in need of someone to come and set things right.” ~ Dallas Willard, Philosopher

5 “The Old Testament does not contain numerous promises about a coming Messiah, but a single promise fleshed out in various texts and textures.” ~ Walter C. Kaiser, Old Testament Theologian

6 “Whereas the New Testament centred on the historic Christ, the Old Testament centred on the coming Christ. But they centre on the same Christ.” ~ Michael P. V. Barrett, Old Testament Theologian

7 “We live in an upside-down world. Money is power, people are expendable, and “culture” is nothing more than an economic enterprise where only by accident does it occasionally have something to do with art.” ~ Dallas Willard, Philosopher

8 “We would do well to learn more from the luminous Nazarene.” ~ Albert Einstein

9 “What are we to make of Christ? There is no question of what we can make of Him, it is entirely a question of what He intends to make of us. You must accept or reject the story.” ~ C. S. Lewis, Philosopher

10 Behold, O God and raise up unto them their king, the son of David…. And gird him with strength that he may destroy the unrighteous rulers, and that he may purge Jerusalem from nations that trample her down to destruction. ~ Psalms of Solomon (Popular Jewish Messianic Text at the time of Jesus)

11 “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. ~ 1 John 3:8 (NASB)

12 “messiah” = the anointed one the smeared one the chosen one the deliverer “messiah” = the anointed one the smeared one the chosen one the deliverer

13 The “anointed” could be: A prophet A priest A king Israel Israel’s Saviour The “anointed” could be: A prophet A priest A king Israel Israel’s Saviour

14 The “anointed” could be: A prophet- Revealing A priest- Reconciling A king- Ruling Israel Israel’s Saviour The “anointed” could be: A prophet- Revealing A priest- Reconciling A king- Ruling Israel Israel’s Saviour

15 But these things I have spoken to you, so that when their hour comes, you may remember that I told you of them. ~ John 16:4 (NASB)


17 “What is the point of standing up for rights in a world where few stand up for their responsibilities? Your rights will do you little good unless others are responsible.” ~ Dallas Willard, Philosopher “What is the point of standing up for rights in a world where few stand up for their responsibilities? Your rights will do you little good unless others are responsible.” ~ Dallas Willard, Philosopher

18 Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. ~ Matthew 7:24 (NRSV)

19 “seed” = A collective singular noun. Can mean the whole group, or a single representative of that group. “seed” = A collective singular noun. Can mean the whole group, or a single representative of that group.

20 Genesis 3:15 1. Hostility will be the norm between Satan & Eve (humanity). 2. Hostility will be the norm between what comes from Satan and what comes from Eve. 3. A human male will mortally wound Satan, though he will be wounded himself. Genesis 3:15 1. Hostility will be the norm between Satan & Eve (humanity). 2. Hostility will be the norm between what comes from Satan and what comes from Eve. 3. A human male will mortally wound Satan, though he will be wounded himself.

21 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. ~ John 8:44 (TNIV)

22 All creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are. ~ Romans 8:19 (CEV)

23 Our “kingdom” = the range of our effective will. Our “kingdom” = the range of our effective will.

24 “We are, all of us, never-ceasing spiritual beings with a unique eternal calling to count for good in God’s great universe. … In creating human beings God made them to rule, to reign, to have dominion in a limited sphere. Only so can they be persons.” ~ Dallas Willard, Philosopher “We are, all of us, never-ceasing spiritual beings with a unique eternal calling to count for good in God’s great universe. … In creating human beings God made them to rule, to reign, to have dominion in a limited sphere. Only so can they be persons.” ~ Dallas Willard, Philosopher



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