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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 True or False? Vocabulary Motion Types of Energy Simple.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 True or False? Vocabulary Motion Types of Energy Simple."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 True or False? Vocabulary Motion Types of Energy Simple Machines


3 Energy is the ability to do work. True or false?

4 True Work is the measure of force it takes to move an object a certain distance. That takes energy!

5 Volume is how loud or soft a sound is.

6 True! Remember when you turn the volume up on a radio it gets louder. If you turn it down it gets softer.

7 If you hit a drum the sound is inside the drum and comes out when it is picked up. True or False?

8 False! When you hit the drum with a drum stick it causes the drumhead to vibrate and make sound. The sound travels through sound wave to your ear.

9 Sound can only travel through air, not through solids or liquids. True or False?

10 False Sound can travel through all types of matter. It travels the fastest through solids.

11 The more mass an object has the quicker it wall fall? True or False?

12 False! Objects will fall at the same rate of speed regardless of their mass. The heavier object will fall harder though.

13 A force that causes a change in position. We say it is in

14 Motion

15 _____ is the highness or lowness of a sound.

16 Pitch

17 Is the force that pulls objects toward each other.

18 Gravity

19 Is a tool that helps people do work more easily.

20 A simple machine

21 If you put two north poles together on a magnet they will

22 repel

23 When one object rubs across another and it causes it to slow down.

24 Friction

25 -DAILY DOUBLE- If two people both push equally on a box from different directions will be box move? Why or Why not?

26 No, it will not move. We say it is in balance because both people are pushing at the same time, so it stays right where it is.

27 What causes something to go into motion? Then give 2 examples of something in motion.

28 A force has to be applied. (push or pull) (ex. kick ball, kite flying because wind blew, throw ball…)

29 What is weight?

30 Is a measure of the pull of gravity on an object.

31 If a wagon is getting pushed down a hill what is increasing?

32 Speed

33 What are different forms of energy?

34 Heat/thermal, mechanical, light, and sound are the ones we have studied.

35 Give three examples of light energy.

36 sun, fire, flashlight, lightbulb, …

37 What is our greatest source of light energy?

38 The Sun

39 What does heat/thermal energy do?

40 It heats things up. Like the sun warms us up. Heats/cooks our food. A fire gives warmth. If you hold something like a mug of cocoa the heat will warm your hands up.

41 Mechanical Energy is

42 movement involving machines

43 Sound is a type of energy. Volume is the ______ and ________ of a sound.

44 Loudness softness

45 What causes sound?

46 Sound energy is caused by vibrations and travels through sound waves.

47 What types of matter can sound travel through?

48 Solids, liquids, and gases *It travels the fastest through solids!

49 If you hit a drum as hard as you can what will the volume of the drum be?

50 It will be loud. The harder you hit it the louder it will get. If you hit it lightly it will be a softer sound.

51 If the vibrations are moving slowly then our pitch will be ____. If the vibrations are moving quickly then our pitch will be ____.

52 low high

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