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Hitler’s Rise to Power Steps to the Final Solution (eliminate all Jews) Unanswered Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Hitler’s Rise to Power Steps to the Final Solution (eliminate all Jews) Unanswered Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hitler’s Rise to Power Steps to the Final Solution (eliminate all Jews) Unanswered Questions

2 Anti-Semitism: prejudice against the Jewish people Aryan: term used to describe the Nazi’s concept of a superior race Prejudice: negative preconceived opinion about a group of people Discrimination: treat unfavorably on the basis of race, color, or sex

3 Stereotype: treat or classify according to a mental conception or image Scapegoat: a person or group of people blamed for the actions of others Bystander: a person who is present at an event, but does not participate or object to what is happening Holocaust: total burnt offering

4 Shoah: Jewish term for the Holocaust Genocide: systematic murder of all people in a targeted group Totalitarianism: total control of all aspects of life (people or state) by one person or party

5 High unemployment High poverty Promised: food and jobs

6 Had to accept blame for World War I Pay large amounts for damages (reparation) Give up colonies Promised: avenge Germany’s loss and scrap treaty

7 Anti-Semitic Sway public’s opinion Promised: “proper enlightenment” (Aryan race)

8 This is an example of German propaganda during World War II. This pictures states that “the Jew is the most poisonous mushroom in existence.” This particular picture was used to teach children anti-Semitic beliefs.

9 Jews became the “scapegoats” for all Germany’s problems They were the reason for unemployment, poverty, and loss of national pride

10 Strong love for the “fatherland” Basis for national superiority: Germans are superior to all races Hitler used feelings to promote national pride or racism

11 Treaty of Versailles reduced Germany’s military power Promised: ignore the treaty and rebuild the military

12 Germany had long history of governments ruled by dictatorial rule (ruling family) Greatest moments in history occurred under totalitarianism rule Promised: return to tradition

13 Used terror to maintain power Established Storm troopers (SR) and then SS (elite of German army) Formed secret police called the Gestapo


15 Signs to stop Germans from supporting Jewish businesses Public yelling of insults Signs to compare Jews to rats

16 Declared Jews 2 nd class citizens Excluded from the practice of law, medicine, teaching, and professional jobs Social contact with Jews illegal Special I.D. cards Cannot: go to beach, use public transportation, own a car Can be: evicted, divorced, shop during certain hours

17 Heavily guarded and isolated (fenced in) areas of cities Used to contain growing numbers of Jews Not allowed to leave Serious lack of food and water

18 Jewish men, women, and children 80 – 100 Jews placed in a cattle car No food, little water, one bucket for personal needs, one window Dead thrown out at “stops” Upon arrival separated into 2 columns: Live or die Small children (babies) killed immediately in fire pits- alive


20 Where was the rest of the world? Why didn’t the Jews resist? Why didn’t the Germans protest?

21 “Whoever hates, hates his brother, and whenever one hates his brother, one always hates himself.”

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