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The Journey Part 2 of Mission, Vision and Values.

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2 The Journey Part 2 of Mission, Vision and Values

3 Our Vision We seek to glorify God by being a Christ-centered church that loves and serves others through the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

4 Our Values Powerful Prayer Authentic Relationships Transforming Grace Radical Generosity Intentional Hospitality Creative Outreach

5 Our Mission Meeting people where they are; traveling with them to where Jesus is leading.

6 Our Mission traveling with them to where Jesus is leading.

7 Our Mission traveling with them to where Jesus is leading.

8 1. We are all on a journey.

9 2. Our journeys are never over.

10 Jesus is always leading; The problem is that we are not always following, or we aren’t following the way He is leading.

11 Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

12 2. Our journeys are never over. Our journey does not end when we give our lives to Christ. God has more for each one of us. God has more for others through us.

13 God will never allow you to keep a spiritual blessing completely for yourself. It must be given back to Him so that He can make it a blessing to others. Oswald Chambers

14 2. Our journeys are never over. Our journey does not end when we give our lives to Christ. God has more for each of us. God has more for others through us. The “more” almost always happens in community.

15 3. Traveling with others means that we have to be on the move ourselves.

16 A deep theological reflection about our faith walk: God can’t steer a parked car.

17 Exodus 14:15 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.

18 Our Mission Meeting people where they are; traveling with them to where Jesus is leading.

19 4. Jesus “met people where they were”, but he never allowed them to stay there. (And we shouldn’t either!)

20 Jesus met Matthew where he was (a selfish, greedy tax collector) and called him to be a disciple. Jesus met a woman caught in adultery where she was, but his parting words to her were, “go and sin no more”. Jesus met a despised Samaritan woman where she was, and her life was so dramatically changed that she immediately brought other to Christ.

21 We can be an attraction church that continual welcomes people and meets them where they are by making this place warm, fun, inviting and comfortable, But if we don’t take help people go where Jesus is leading, they we may as well be Disneyworld.

22 People influencing others for Christ are themselves being influenced by Christ. We should both disciple others and be discipled by others.

23 5. Life events can affect our journeys.

24 You can define your life by what you go through, or by who you belong to. Francis Chan

25 6. There are 4 journey questions we need to ask ourselves:  Am I traveling with others?  Is my journey affecting others on their journey with Christ?  Does my journey with Christ challenge, invigorate and excite me?

26 Special Announcement Jesus Christ will be at Quest next Sunday. Invite your friends!!!!

27 Deuteronomy 31:6... the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.

28 6. There are 4 journey questions we need to ask ourselves:  Am I traveling with others?  Is my journey affecting others on their journey with Christ?  Does my journey with Christ challenge, invigorate and excite me?  What is one thing I can do to change the nature or the direction of my journey, that will impact the journey of others?


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