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APA Examples. Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. In APA format, the article’s authors should be listed on the references page according to their last name,

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Presentation on theme: "APA Examples. Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. In APA format, the article’s authors should be listed on the references page according to their last name,"— Presentation transcript:

1 APA Examples

2 Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. In APA format, the article’s authors should be listed on the references page according to their last name, followed by a comma and their first or first and middle initials. When there are two authors, separate their names with the ampersand (&) sign. Use the order in which the authors are listed on the article to list the authors. Abowitz, K.K., Harnish, J. & Jones, R. When there are three to six authors you’ll separate each with a comma and use the ampersand (&) sign in between the final two authors. Abowitz, K.K., Harnish, J., Jones, R., Smith, B., Chaud, S., Wood, Q.,... Dood, W. When there are more than seven authors you’ll follow the same format to list the first six authors, but then add “...” and list the final author listed in the article. APA example broken down- Formatting author names

3 APA example broken down- Formatting publication date and title Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. (2006). Contemporary discourses of citizenship. Next, look for the publication date of the article. Place the date in parentheses followed by a period. After the date, include the full title of the article (including any subtitles). The title should capitalize only the first word of the title and the first word of any subtitle that appears after a colon. You will keep the capitalization of proper names (such as UK in the example above). Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. (2006). Contemporary discourses of citizenship: How training in the UK is changing educational outcomes.

4 Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. (2006). Contemporary discourses of citizenship. Review of Educational Research, 76(4), 653-690. APA example broken down- Formatting journal title, volume, issue and page numbers Next, copy the complete journal title and place it in title case. This means that all words are capitalized except prepositions and connecting words. (eg., of, and, the, to). Follow this with a comma and then place the journal volume number, followed by the journal issue number in parentheses. There is no space in between the volume number and the issue number. This is followed by a comma and then the page numbers of the article. Page numbers should reflect the page numbers as seen in the printed journal and not the page number of an online.pdf document. Make sure that there is a period after the page numbers.

5 Here is a tip, only add the italics in the final edit of your references list! This will save you from formatting issues with italics being automatically carried over to other entries by Word! APA example broken down- The final formatting Abowitz, K.K., & Harnish, J. (2006). Contemporary discourses of citizenship. Review of Educational Research, 76(4), 653- 690. The last step in formatting your APA reference is to italicize the journal title and the issue number and indent each line after the first line ten spaces.

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