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H ITLER ’ S L IGHTNING W AR Chapter 16 section 1.

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1 H ITLER ’ S L IGHTNING W AR Chapter 16 section 1

2 G ERMANY SPARKS A NEW WAR IN E UROPE Germany sparks a new war in Europe Stalin signed 10 year agreement: Non-Aggression pact- with Germany- saying they would not fight Secret part: Germany and Soviet Union agreed to divide Poland, USSR could have Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia Germany’s lightning attack Blitzkrieg- lightning war Germans used artillery and bombing to attack Warsaw, capital of Poland France and Great Britain will declare war on Germany Western half of Poland will fall to Hitler Soviets make their move Stalin sent Soviet troops to occupy the Eastern half of Poland Finland will resist Soviets pull out the win Finns will accept Stalin’s surrender terms

3 T HE P HONY W AR French and Brits had mobilized army against Germany Stationed on Maginot Line- system of fortifications along France’s border with Germany Nothing happened referred to as a “phony war” Calm will end- Hitler launched surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway Denmark fell and Norway surrendered Germany began to build bases along the coast to launch strikes on Great Britain

4 T HE F ALL OF F RANCE Hitler send tanks through the Ardennes- heavily wooded area in Northern France, Luxm., and Belgium Germans squeezed between the Maginot Line Moved across France Rescue at Dunkirk Germans had trapped the Allied forces around the Northern French city of Lille Allies retreated to the beaches of Dunkirk, French Port G.B. set out to rescue the Army Ships crossed the English Channel and carry 338,000 soldiers to safety

5 F RANCE F ALLS Resistance in France crumbles after Dunkirk Germans take Paris French leaders surrender Germans take N. France and leave S. France to puppet gov’t headed by Marshal Petain Headquarters for Petain was in Vichy France Charles de Gaulle- French general, set up exile gov’t in London Commits all energy to taking back France Will battle Nazi’s until France was liberated in 1944

6 T HE B ATTLE OF B RITAIN G.B. stood alone against the Nazis Winston Churchill- new G.B. prime minister Hitler will try to invade G.B. Hitler 1 st wanted to destroy RAF- royal air force then land troops Luftwaffe- German air force began bombing British will not waver Technological advances help Britain Radar- could tell #, speed, and direction of Luftwaffe Enigma machine- decoded German messages Germans will give up on daylight raids Stunned by British resistance Hitler called off attacks Key to this battle: Hitler could be defeated

7 T HE M EDITERRANEAN AND THE E ASTERN F RONT Hitler will have a shift in strategy Turned attention to Med., Balkans, and the Soviet Union Axis forces attack N. Africa Axis powers- Germany, Italy, Japan Mussolini orders attack on Egypt Suez Canal was key to oil in Middle East Britain Strikes Back Hitler sends in Afrika Korps- German tank force led by Erwin Rommel- later called the Desert Fox for his success Rommel seized Tobruk

8 W AR IN THE B ALKANS Hitler was planning to attack USSR from the Balkans Hitler persuaded Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary to join the Axis Hitler invades the Soviet Union Operation Barbarossa- plan to invade the USSR Soviet General Georgi Zhukov will counterattack Nazis Germans will retreat Hitler will gain nothing but 500,000 German deaths

9 T HE U.S. AIDS A LLIES Congress will pass Neutrality Acts Illegal to sell arms or lend $ to nations at war Roosevelt creates Lend-Lease Act Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly and issued a joint declaration called the Atlantic Charter- Upheld free trade, right to choose own gov’t U.S. was in undeclared naval war with Hitler U.S. will enter war b/c of Japan

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