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2002/02/01 p.1 奈米碳管的性質與應用 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01 Source:

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Presentation on theme: "2002/02/01 p.1 奈米碳管的性質與應用 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01 Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1; 2002/02/01 p.1 奈米碳管的性質與應用 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01 Source: (2001/11)

2; 2002/02/01 p.2 Outline Source: (2001/11)

3; 2002/02/01 p.3 碳的同素異形結構 Source: (2001/11)

4; 2002/02/01 p.4 奈米碳管之物理性質 Source: (2001/11)

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