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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Trends and Challenges in South Eastern Europe Edmond.

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Presentation on theme: "MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Trends and Challenges in South Eastern Europe Edmond."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Trends and Challenges in South Eastern Europe Edmond Agolli, MoES Salvatore Bushati, ASA 2-3 October 2008, Belgrade

2 R&D Management Framework and Network of Institutions COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Council of Higher Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science Academy of Sciences MoES Community RI RC RI RC NGO RC Scientific Research Directorate Universities RI RI- Research Institutes RC- Research Centers


4 LEGAL FRAMEWORK Law on Science and Technological Development - Law on Higher Education - Governmental Decisions - CHES Decisions MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Law of Academy of Science - Ministerial Regulations

5 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE F I N A N C I N G  National Programs through MOES  Direct State Budget  International Programmes and Projects  Others

6 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Ministry of Education and Science  The main governmental body responsible for the R&D activities  Responsible for the National Programmes including financing  Main consultant to the Government for the development policy  Main information point for the community  Responsible for the bilateral agreements  Support for different activities and actions

7 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE National Programmes on Priority Areas  Describe the main development objectives  Prepared by Groups of experts  Approved by CSPTD  Implemented through projects (standard procedures)  MOES is responsible for implementation and financing

8 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Academy of Science of Albania  performs studies and research of theoretical and practical character in different domains of albanologic, social, natural and technical sciences  assists in discovering new domains of studies and research  provides suggestions and necessary expertise to the higher government institutions in resolving problems considered as important for the country development  promotes and encourages the active participation of associations, scientific foundations and outer collaborators in scientific activity continues

9 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  programs, plans and endorses their activity in maintaining and acquiring scientific awards and prizes. Academy of Science of Albania  disseminations the scientific product to the end users, public and non public, to contribute to the sustainability development of the country  cooperation in the different programs with the other academies  provide the Annual Report ASA is a important institution partner of MoES

10 R&D Management Framework and Network of Institutions MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE MAIN PROBLEMS  CSPTD was unable to play its role, because of its composition Is replaced by CHES  Limited competences and insufficient supporting infrastructure  Very dispersed system with small units  Inability of RI to adopt their development according to the new realty  Low R&D activity in Universities  Lack of standards of quality  Low collaboration and co-operation between different units continues

11 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  Brain drain  Old equipment and lack of the basic infrastructure  Lack of information on the respective communities in other countries  Very low international integration  High and unnecessary number of Universities and Institutes MAIN PROBLEMS

12 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  Reorganisation:  Less RI, with clear objectives to fit the country development needs  Adoption of better management framework  Introduction of standards  Introduction of Research indicators (OECD)  Well-defined procedures for application for financing  Accreditation of Universities continues Actions for changing  Integration of Higher Education with Research

13 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Office of Foreign Relations Executive Council ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Institute of Linguistics and Literature Institute of Archaeology Institute of Nuclear Physic Center of Art Studies Institute of Folc Culture Center of Albanian Encyclopedia Institute of Economy Institute of Hydrometeorology Institute of Seismology Institute of Biological Research Institute of History Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics Center for Geographical Studies Center for Hydraulic Research ASA Assembly ASA Chairmanship General Sector General Sector Section of Social Science Unit of RTD Projects Publishing Office Scientific Library Section of Natural and Technical Sciences Section of Natural and Technical Sciences

14  Thus, all of the institutes of social and Albanological sciences created the Center of Social and Albanological Studies, which stands at a inter- university level;  with the Institute of Informatics was created the Faculty of Technologies of Information at the Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUT), within which the Center for Research and Development of Information Technologies was created;  with the Institute of Seismology, Institute of Geology and some departments of Geological Survey, the Institute of Geosciences was created at the PUT;  the Institute of Hydro-Meteorology and the Center of Hydraulic Studies created the Institute of Energy, Water and Environment at the PUT;  the Institute of Biological Research was transformed into the Department of Food Technology, at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana (UT);  the Institute of Nuclear Physics was transformed into the Center of Nuclear and Applied Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the UT, etc.

15 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE THE STRUCTURE OF ASA GOVERNMENT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ASA Assembly Section of Social Science ASA Chairmanship Section of Natural and Technical Science General SectorScientific Library Publishing Office ITOffice of Foreign Relations Unit of R&D Projects Executive Council

16  Infrastructure Actions for changing  Local Area Networks for all units Realized in all universities and ASA,  Internet access Partially realized  National academic network Under development  International co-operation  Bilateral agreements  Regional actions  Join main european and international programmes MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

17  New organization of Academy of Science  A new Research System  In the end of 2007 year we had:

18 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  Until now Albania has not used any national classification and in this reality is very difficult to transform the existing indicators on R&D into the internationally accepted Frascati classification.  In this situation the government expenditures on R&D in Albania evaluated as a part of 85% of the expenses by the research institutions. Collecting S&T statistics


20 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Government expenditure on R&D/GDP 19961997199819992000200120022003 as % on GDP

21 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  Research and Development personnel  by scientific field  by sector Human resources  Number of Doctors  Number of Professors  Number of young researchers  Number of Researchers

22 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  Official statistics for human resources in science and technology in Albania for R&D employees and researchers do not equate to Full Time Equivalents (FTE) as defined in the OECD’s Frascati manual.  The only one national statistical institution (INSTAT) in Albania has not provided the statistics for the R&D.

23 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  Infrustructure is in a stabilization process  Indicators on S&T are not relation to OECD, Frascati Manual  Survey instruments such as questionnaires, manuals, etc., are missed  Methodologies for collection of data and analysis are missed  Funds are missed  Qualified people is missed  Etc.  So, in conclusion, why data on R&D are not currently being collected, are:

24 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  How we have to do to initiate collecting of R&D data in the near future and possible approaches.  To create a new infrastructure (new sector, agency, etc.),  To use the currently international indicators on S&T,  Use of international survey instruments such as UNESCO questionnaires, Frascati manual, etc. in collaboration with UIS (or other institutions),  Use of new Methodologies for collection of data and analysis in collaboration with UIS (or other institutions),  To train people,  To find funds from UNESCO, EC, etc., through joint projects in collaboration with countries that are present,  Finally:


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