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Wel come How are you student? Introducing of teacher Mohammad Taherul islam Asistent teacher Naikong khaly primary school’s bazar.

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Presentation on theme: "Wel come How are you student? Introducing of teacher Mohammad Taherul islam Asistent teacher Naikong khaly primary school’s bazar."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wel come

3 How are you student?

4 Introducing of teacher Mohammad Taherul islam Asistent teacher Naikong khaly primary school’s bazar

5 Watch the video

6 Subject-English Class;two Unit 5,lesson 1:Colours(1) Lesson Title: The Rainbow Date:16/4/2014 Learning out come 1)student will be able to recite the rainbows. 2)Student will be able to recognise seven colours of rainbow. 3)st……Draw a rainbow and colour

7 Rainbow I see rainbows, Isee rainbow, Way up high, In the sky. I see red and orange yollow,green and blue. Violet,indigo too What a view! I see rainbows, I see rainbos, Way up high, In the sky. I see red and orange, Yollw,green and blue. Violet, indigo too. What aview!

8 Practice-gw Group-1 Open your text book page number at 28 group-2 group-3 The Rainbow

9 Choral drill and chain drill Seven colours Orange Youllow Green Blue Violet Indigo Red Name colour

10 l Look, and say violet Indigo orange Red Blue yellow green

11 Evaluation Draw a rainbow And colour it How many colours do you find in the rainbow? Whole class

12 Rainbow

13 Thank you all evry body Bye……

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