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PEP 7 UNIT6 part A A Story of Rain Qiandian Primary School Miss Wang.

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2 PEP 7 UNIT6 part A A Story of Rain Qiandian Primary School Miss Wang

3 Where does Chen Jie come from ? She comes from China. Where does Amy come from ? She comes from America. Where does Mike come from ? He comes from Canada.

4 rain r-ai-n rain, lovely rainRain,. I like the lovely rain. /ei/ waitagaingain


6 cloud cl-ou-d Cloud,. I like the beautiful cloud. cloud, beautiful cloud housemouseabout /au /


8 vapour v-a-p-our Vapour,. I like the white vapour. vapour, white vapour

9 river sea

10 stream str-ea-m Stream,. I like the pretty stream. (water) stream, pretty stream cleanteateach /i:/


12 sun s-u-n Sun,. I like the warm sun. Sun, warm sun summerlunchbutbut /^//^/

13 stream water rain It comes from the rain. Where does the water in the stream come from?

14 cloud rain vapour stream water (sun) A: Where does the rain come from ? B: It comes from the cloud. ….

15 Rain, rain, lovely rain. I like the lovely rain. Cloud, cloud, beautiful cloud. I like the beautiful cloud. Vapour, vapour, white vapour. I like the white vapour. Sun, sun, warm sun. I like the warm sun. Stream, stream, pretty stream. I like the pretty stream. Chant

16 1. It goes into the river and stream. It goes into the lake and sea. When it comes, you can see people take the umbrellas. What is it ? It’s the. 2. Sometimes it’s white. Sometimes it’s black. Sometimes it looks like a dog. Sometime it looks like a cat. What is it ? It’s the. rain cloud

17 3. It’s big. It’s old. It’s red. It’s warm. It’s round. It comes up in the east. And it goes down in the west. What is it ? It’s the. 4. It’s white and light. It comes from the water. When the sun shines, it comes out. What is it ? It’s the. sun vapour

18 5. It’s not the river. It’s not the lake. It’s not sea. It’s long and small. It has much water. What is it ? It’s the. 6. It looks like a bridge. But it’s not a bridge. It comes after rain. It has seven colours. And it’s very beautiful. What is it ? It’s the. stream rainbow

19 1 2 3 45 Listen and number

20 I am a little water drop. I am in the. The comes out. I am vapour now. When I go up,I meet many friends. I am a now. I am heavy. I fall. I am now. Listen and write stream sun stream sun cloud rain cloud

21 It comes from 寻根问祖

22 It comes from


24 Where does it come from? It comes from… rainmilkbookporkgrass 寻根问祖 cloudcowtreepigseed Group Work


26 The economy uses water and start to do from ! 节约用水,从我做起 ! Develop an economy to use aqueous of good habit ! 养成节约用水的好习惯 !

27 本课小结 :1. 本课要求掌握的四会 单词有: rain , cloud , sun,stream ; 三会单词有: vapour 2. 本课要求掌握的句型: Where dose the rain come from? It comes from …

28 Homework: 1. 课文听读三遍。 2. 四会单词抄写四遍。 3. 跟同学或爸妈用所学句型说 说水循环。

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