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The Treaty of Versailles “Paris Peace Conference”.

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Presentation on theme: "The Treaty of Versailles “Paris Peace Conference”."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Treaty of Versailles “Paris Peace Conference”


3 PM Borden was invited to attend, representing Canada as an independent nation.


5 Woodrow Wilson (USA)

6 Lloyd George (UK)

7 Georges Clemenceau (France) the “Tiger”

8 The goal? Design an international system that would make another war unlikely…


10 Georges Clemenceau, a “realist” of France, wanted Germany to PAY!

11 Lloyd George of Britain, believed Germany should pay, but really wanted to maintain control of the seas…

12 The Treaty of Versailles

13 The War Guilt Clause Germany is solely responsible for causing the War Reparations Germany loses extremely valuable land that would have made reparations payments more possible German military was heavily restricted

14 New nations were formed… “self determination” Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland…

15 The League of Nations was formed

16 The USA did not join the League.

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