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S ustainable development and environment GNG Working group Firenze 1st April 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "S ustainable development and environment GNG Working group Firenze 1st April 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 S ustainable development and environment GNG Working group Firenze 1st April 2001

2 Sustainable Development and Environment Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) Structure of presentation  Climate Change  World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD): „Rio+10“ Johannesburg 2001  Export Credit Agencies

3 Sustainable Development and Environment Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) Climate Change  Climate change: ratification is a first necessary step, BUT Kyoto protocol is inadequate > new opportunities: -> the equity issue must be brought forward -> loopholes should be abolished (esp. sinks evaluation is problematic (uncertainites)) -> Sub-agreements of some Annex 1 countries and some developing countries

4 Sustainable Development and Environment Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) Climate Change  goals by task force on renewables are welcomed -> new action soon to mainstream sustainable technology transfer necessary -> questioning the development model  GEF restructuring is welcomed -> coherence of policy required (bilateral/multilateral) for greater effectiveness  Full direct and indirect GHG accounting for international financial institutions and export credit agencies

5 Sustainable Development and Environment Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) „Rio+10“ (WSSD): Johannesburg 2002  agenda: environment, development and the global economy  trade regimes should be compatible with and supportive to multilateral environmental agreements -> WEO (World environmental organisation) -> action plan for the global public goods -> to give more institutional weight to environm. regimes (e.g. sanctioning power, dispute settlement)

6 Sustainable Development and Environment Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) „Rio+10“ (WSSD): Johannesburg 2002  Need for an environmental compact, which implies -> the North reducing of excessive use of environmental space / ecological footprint -> make discrimination on production processes (PPM) possible -> (home) standards for multinational cooperations  instruments: taxes, subsidies, command and control...  indicators: sustainable development reporting mechanisms : -> economic, social and environmental performance criteria (environmental space/equity related)  consider ecological debt when settling economic debt

7 Sustainable Development and Environment Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) Export Credit Agencies  are the largest supporters of infrastructure development bilateral -> race to the bottom  transparency of all projects/operation required  timely public participation and consultation with affected communities prior to approval of projects  follow-up of Okinawa/Trieste process (incorporation in final document) -> environmental/social/human rights impact assesment -> need for common, binding high-level intl. recognized standards and guidlines (e.g. EU, EBRD, IFC )  shift from harmful towards envir./socially sustainabile activities (renewable energy etc.) (see

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