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Gulf of Maine Council: Ecosystem Indicator Partnership:

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Presentation on theme: "Gulf of Maine Council: Ecosystem Indicator Partnership:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gulf of Maine Council: Ecosystem Indicator Partnership:

2 ESIP Organization Gulf of Maine Council Ecosystem Indicator Partnership Steering Committee Program Manager Aquatic Habitats Climate Change Coastal Development Indicator Work Groups Contaminants Fisheries/Aquaculture Eutrophication/Nutrients

3 ESIP Membership: ESIP is composed of 100 members from 42 difference agencies including: Federal: USFW, USGS, NOAA, EC, DFO, EPA State/Province: NB Dept. Of the Environment, Maine State Planning Office, NH Dept. of Environ. Services Academia: UNH, USM, U Maine, URI, Acadia University, Dalhousie

4 ESIP Membership ESIP Indicator Reporting Tool ESIP Monitoring Map Determination of Priority Indicators Council’s State of the Environment Reporting ESIP’s Focus on Three Major Areas…Today

5 ESIP Goals and Timelines Indicators are quantitative or qualitative measures that provide information about the status of or changes in natural, cultural, and economic aspects of an ecosystem. May 2008 – Subcommittees decide on priority indicators May 2008 – ESIP publishes framework for regional reporting of indicators and GeoConnections project completed June 1, 2008 – ESIP publishes framework for regional reporting of habitat and climate change indicators (data rich) March 2008 – All 6 ESIP Subcommittees revisit TOR and determine scope for next 12 months

6 Example of Coastal Development Subcommittee Progress Formation of Subcommittee (Rolling) Indicators from Summit Indicators from GOMC presentation Internal GOMC documents List of indicators… At this point, subcommittees are identifying top 2- 3 priority indicators from this list

7 Subcommittee Top 2-3 Indicators ESIP Indicator Reporting Tool State of the Env. Report Gulf of Maine Times Science Translation Product How the Subcommittee decisions impact the various ESIP products

8 ESIP Monitoring Map Query by indicator to locate monitoring data Follow data back to source

9 ESIP Monitoring MapESIP Indicator Reporting Tool Data Availability Data Analysis ESIP Is the Umbrella….. Shows locations and then sends to parent organization which might be… Gulfwatch Habitat Monitoring Map Habitat Restoration Map Gulfwatch Tier 1 Habitat Monitoring Products with more detail on smaller scale - as in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Habitat Monitoring Map

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