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The Ramsey Academy, Halstead From Special Measures to Good.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ramsey Academy, Halstead From Special Measures to Good."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ramsey Academy, Halstead From Special Measures to Good

2 Context…

3 2011-12School working informally with NHS&BSF

4 Context… 2011-12School working informally with NHS&BSF May 2012School inspected and judged as requiring Special Measures

5 Context… 2011-12School working informally with NHS&BSF May 2012School inspected and judged as requiring Special Measures June 2012NHS&BSF requested by the Local Authority to support the school and develop an Academy sponsorship model

6 Context… 2011-12School working informally with NHS&BSF May 2012School inspected and judged as requiring Special Measures June 2012NHS&BSF requested by the Local Authority to support the school and develop an Academy sponsorship model September 2012Dan Gee seconded as Headteacher and Simon Thompson as Executive Headteacher. Strategic Management Board established with Nicola Pruden as Chair.

7 Context… 2011-12School working informally with NHS&BSF May 2012School inspected and judged as requiring Special Measures June 2012NHS&BSF requested by the Local Authority to support the school and develop an Academy sponsorship model September 2012Dan Gee seconded as Headteacher and Simon Thompson as Executive Headteacher. Strategic Management Board established with Nicola Pruden as Chair. June 2013Special Measures removed and school judged as ‘Good’ (Leadership judged as ‘Outstanding’)

8 Context… 2011-12School working informally with NHS&BSF May 2012School inspected and judged as requiring Special Measures June 2012NHS&BSF requested by the Local Authority to support the school and develop an Academy sponsorship model September 2012Dan Gee seconded as Headteacher and Simon Thompson as Executive Headteacher. Strategic Management Board established with Nicola Pruden as Chair. June 2013Special Measures removed and school judged as ‘Good’ (Leadership judged as ‘Outstanding’) September 2013School converts as a sponsored academy as part of the North Essex Multi-Academy Trust (NEMAT)

9 The situation in May 2012 “…students make slow progress as a result of unimaginative learning activities and lesson planning that fails to consider their different needs. Teachers do not always check that all students understand the work, or insist on high enough standards of presentation, effort and behaviour.” Ofsted, May 2012

10 A glimmer of hope… “In contrast to the problems seen in some lessons students were orderly and polite around the school at break and lunchtimes.” Ofsted, May 2012

11 Impact…

12 Teaching- the data












24 The impact of staffing changes…

25 End of the autumn term Three long term supply teachers replaced…two with permanent members of staff, one with a better long term supply option

26 The impact of staffing changes… End of the spring term Leadership of Mathematics and Science Faculties temporarily moved to Senior Team One member of staff left on a compromise agreement and replaced with a new permanent member of staff Overstaffing used in the Mathematics faculty (with limited impact) Lead teacher re-training in Maths

27 The impact of staffing changes… January 2013 16% of the teaching staff signed-off

28 The impact of staffing changes… June 2013 8% teaching staff turnover

29 Non-staffing factors… Innovation or execution…an apology

30 The change ‘lever’… Change must happen Blitz spirit Accountability (and support) Forget exam results It’s more than Ofsted

31 Teaching, teaching, teaching… Priority over the other three Ofsted strands Headteacher leadership SLT restructure and the embryonic teaching group No ‘flash in the pan’ In classrooms, talking about teaching Propaganda- staff briefings to classroom walls Who are the critical mass?

32 Vision and values… The Chafford 10

33 Vision and values… The Chafford Ramsey 10 “What we expect of each other; what we use to hold each other to account” Two training days- what do we value, how do we do it? Focused twilight and staff meeting within two weeks. Published everywhere ABSOLUTELY underpins everything that followed

34 The ‘Ramsey 10’ and R Learning… 1.Learning objectives 2.High expectations 3.Success criteria 4.Independent and collaborative learning 5.Assessment opportunities 6.Differentiation and challenge 7.Questioning 8.Varied and imaginative learning activities 9.Effective homework 10.Celebrating success

35 The ‘Ramsey 10’ and R Learning… R amsey Points L earning Objectives E quipment A sk/answer Questions R ecord your Homework N ever Give Up I ndependent Work N ext Steps G roup Work

36 Staff engagement…the critical mass Assistant Headteachers Developing Excellence in Teaching Coordinators (DETs) The Core Teaching Group The Extended Teaching Group Learning Walk and observation training ‘invitations’ Faculty Leaders Staff as trainers

37 Training opportunities… Teaching focus Linked to key targets (and evaluated) Sharing good practice (R10 related) The Developing Teacher Programme Support plans Faculty meetings

38 Evaluation… Regular, externally validated observation training for SLT All observations paired (and usually externally validated) Benchmarking- whole staff observations (and follow-up as required) Regular work scrutiny (and follow-up) Learning Walks…formative

39 Support and accountability… Fortnightly support monitoring and evaluation meetings Informal support and ‘Support Plans’ ‘Support Plans’- intensive support and re-observation ‘Support Plans’- robust External support- vital both for support and accountability

40 Letting go…the final push Faculty Leader ‘Twinning’ Planning time Shared responsibility for delivery and evaluation Plans launched and evaluated at SLT meetings

41 Support within the Trust Lesson observations Faculty Evaluation Lead AST Targeted AST support Subject support Joint adverts Executive Headteacher support

42 Support from the LA ‘The Pruden’ English staffing support Science consultant support Maths overstaffing funding HR

43 Agreed visionClear expectations CPDEvaluationGenuine support Robust accountability

44 Agreed visionClear expectations CPDEvaluationGenuine support Robust accountability THE CHANGE LEVER

45 Teaching…May 2012 “…students make slow progress as a result of unimaginative learning activities and lesson planning that fails to consider their different needs. Teachers do not always check that all students understand the work, or insist on high enough standards of presentation, effort and behaviour.” Ofsted, May 2012

46 Teaching…June 2013 “The improvement in teaching secured since September 2012 is the primary reason behind the good progress now made by students.” Ofsted, June 2013

47 2013-14…moving forward 1.More DETs 2.Developing Teacher Programme for all teaching staff (every year?) 3.Refocused Core Teaching Group 4.R Scribbler 5.Sofsted 6.Teaching & Learning Handbook 7.Show My Homework 8.Abandoning Ofsted lesson observation criteria 9.R Learning reward cards 10.Teaching briefings

48 The Ramsey Academy, Halstead From Special Measures to Good

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