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College of EngineeringCollege of Arts & Sciences Enrico Pontelli, Satish Ranade Sukumar Brahma, Huiping Cao, William Yeoh, Son Tran, Satyajayant Misra,

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Presentation on theme: "College of EngineeringCollege of Arts & Sciences Enrico Pontelli, Satish Ranade Sukumar Brahma, Huiping Cao, William Yeoh, Son Tran, Satyajayant Misra,"— Presentation transcript:

1 College of EngineeringCollege of Arts & Sciences Enrico Pontelli, Satish Ranade Sukumar Brahma, Huiping Cao, William Yeoh, Son Tran, Satyajayant Misra, Hong Huang, Wenxin Liu

2 College of EngineeringCollege of Arts & Sciences KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE LEARNINGLEARNING DIVERSITYDIVERSITY an interdisciplinary research agenda to realize the energy- delivery paradigm an integrative educational agenda to develop IST workforce. outreach to reconcile the composition of the smartgrid workforce with shifting US demographics

3 MONITORING Comprehensive Real Time Classification and Localization of Disturbances in Power Systems using Synchronized Measurements for Protection and Security Feature extraction techniques through extensive comparison of existing approaches Semi-supervised learning clustering approaches to learn unknown disturbance events unsupervised discriminative pattern discovery algorithms to characterize different disturbances ENERGY DELIVERY Building to peak or building to back up intermittent generation is not sustainable Most developments point to using bulk generation and the transmission system as an energy delivery system. Emergent behavior when a proper optimization problem is formulated Load following at the utilization level using energy storage, demand response and differentiated reliability Distribution feeders morph to customer driven microgrids with the DISTCO becoming an enabler Implementation College of Engineering College of Arts & Sciences Education & Outreach K-12 Accessible classes CS, EE Interdisciplinary MS and PhD COORDINATION Class of Optimization Problems in Energy Delivery amenable to distributed solution Distributed Constraint-based models such as DCOPs Market-based Models such as Continuous Double Auctions Knowledge-based Negotiations COMMUNICATION Information-centric Communication Architecture Guaranteed quos Protocols for secrecy in one-one and many-many Extended IEC61850 – Thin, Information-centric Network Protocol layer between TCP and IP

4 Students and Collaborators Welcome! Education & Outreach K-12Deliver Smartgrid-related activities via existing and new programs Young women in computing, Pre-engineering Program, GK12 School visits – Lunch and Learn Accessible classes CS, EE Consolidate prerequisite classes to enable minors ECE - Circuits, Power, Signal Processing, Elective CS – Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Elective Create Smartgrid-focused minor/Certificates BS and MS programs Modified Graduate Classes Interdisciplinary MS and PhD Research Directions

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