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Evaluation of Biodiesel Fuel for Use Onboard USACE Floating Plant Tim Welp, Bob Leitch, and Ryan Immel Tim Welp See instructions for customizing these.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of Biodiesel Fuel for Use Onboard USACE Floating Plant Tim Welp, Bob Leitch, and Ryan Immel Tim Welp See instructions for customizing these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of Biodiesel Fuel for Use Onboard USACE Floating Plant Tim Welp, Bob Leitch, and Ryan Immel Tim Welp See instructions for customizing these images on slide 3. Research Hydraulic Engineer Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory 23 October 2012

2 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Why Biodiesel?  USACE has ~2300 floating plant assets  Consume ~8.4M gallons of diesel annually (FY08 baseline)  Average cost in FY08 was $2.46/gallon ► = ~$20,172,000

3 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Why Biodiesel?  Increasing operating costs Any fuel consumption reduction = cost savings Hull coatings More efficient engines Economical operation (real-time fuel use gages) Improved hull forms Alt power sources - hybrid, - solar, - alternative fuels, - etc.

4 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® What is Biodiesel Fuel? Biodiesel is a domestic, renewable fuel defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats that conform to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications (D6751). 4

5 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Why Biodiesel?  Executive Order 13514 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reductions ► USACE target is 23% reduction in GHG emissions by 2015 – Floating Plant is part of that target ► Has increased interest & visibility throughout federal government of alternative fuels 1 st generation biofuels (biodiesel) at present (interim solution) 2 nd generation biofuels tested by US Navy 3 rd generation biofuels

6 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Why Biodiesel? National Security Implications of Petroleum Dependency - “By having reliable and abundant alternate sources of energy, we will no longer be held hostage by any one source of energy, such as petroleum.” RADM Phillip Cullom, Oct 2010 - “ Diversifying energy sources and moving away from fossil fuels where possible is critical to future energy security.” Powering America’s Defense, Military Advisory Board, May 2009.

7 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Biodiesel Advantages  Lower emissions than petroleum-based fuels  Lower environmental impact – as biodegradable as sugar and ten times less toxic than table salt  Renewable energy source  Improved health and safety – less-offensive odor, higher flash point, can reduce carcinogenic properties (compared to diesel fuel) by 94%  Improved engine performance – higher lubricity and solvent levels

8 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Biodiesel Challenges  Cold flow properties  Power reduction  Material compatibility  Filter plugging  Lube oil dilution  Microbial growth  Water separation  Storage stability  Original Engine Manufacturer Warranties  Cost

9 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Biodiesel Vessel Test Objectives  Operational Feasibility ► No net impact to USACE operations ► Fuel availability (quality & quantity) ► Supplier participation ► Engine manufacturer participation ► Maintenance reduction ► GHG emissions reduction  National Application ► Expansion of test results to appropriate USACE vessels ► National contribution to overall GHG emissions reductions ► Fuel Capitalization by DLA-ENERGY All USACE fuel purchased under national DLA-ENERGY contract Larger quantities under contract can result in better pricing ► Federal Green Working Fleet effort – NOAA, USACE, USGS, NPS

10 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® B100 Test Plan  Conversion Process ► Education ► Pretrial Assessment ► Action Plan ► Post-trial Assessment  Four locations: St. Louis, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Cleveland: ► Tested availability & quality of B100 ► Variety of vessels: tugboat, drift collector, debris vessel, towboat ► Variety of engine sizes and makes: Detroit Diesel, Caterpillar, Cummins, Onan

11 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® 11 PATHFINDER DB-5 DONLON RACCOON Corps Biodiesel Testing Vessels

12 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Test Plan (Performance) Modified Bollard Test (“Push” Test) Low RPM (just above idle) Mid RPM (halfway between low and high) High RPM (max RPM)

13 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® 13 Vessel Fuel Consumption Gages (FlowScans)

14 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Test Plan (Performance) “Run” Test Timed run between geographical points At normal cruising RPM

15 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® Test Plan (Emissions) Recorded during push tests Tested both engines

16 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® B100 Test Results ► Availability and quality of fuel confirmed ► No adverse impacts ► Material compatibility issue on 1 vessel (hoses) ► Operators and crew prefer B100 ► No cold flow issues to date ► No observed microbial growth, lube oil dilution, water separation, and storage stability ► No filter plugging ► No issue with switch fueling ► Slightly higher fuel consumption using B100 ► In line with known reduced energy content of B100 (~8%) ► Emission results comparable to EPA EPA – A Comprehensive Analysis of Biodiesel Impacts on Exhaust Emissions 2002, EPA420-P-02-001

17 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® B100 Biodiesel Costs 17 Vessel Baseline (Diesel) Testing Date Biodiesel Fueling Date Biodiesel Gallons Loaded Biodiesel Cost per Gallon (At Dock) BD-516 Feb 2011 24 Feb 2011 5 Apr 2011 300 400 $3.00 $4.50 PATHFINDER15 Mar 2011 17 Mar 2011 12 Apr 2011 12,500 10,000 $3.69 RACCOON 6 Feb 2011 24 Mar 2011 30 Mar 2011* 21 Apr 2011 700 648* 750 $3.65 $3.95* $3.92 MIKE DONLON 12 Apr 201113 Apr 2011 818$3.90

18 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® FY12/13 Biodiesel Initiative

19 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® FY12/13 Biodiesel Initiative Equip vessels with following operational instrumentation:  Enhanced FlowScan fuel measurement  Torque and RPM output (power curves) Torque and RPM gages FlowScan Bridge Display

20 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® FY12/13 Biodiesel Initiative Monitor Emissions on two vessels (BD5 & RACCOON) using following fuels:  B100  #2 (EPA) diesel fuel  Navy 2 nd Generation biodiesel blend (50/50 with #2)

21 Innovative solutions for a safer, better world BUILDING STRONG ® The End 21 OR JUST THE BEGINNING?

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