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Effects of global financial crisis on developing countries [ ATN12, Accra, August’09 ] Michael Herrmann Economic Affairs Officer Macroeconomics.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of global financial crisis on developing countries [ ATN12, Accra, August’09 ] Michael Herrmann Economic Affairs Officer Macroeconomics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of global financial crisis on developing countries [ presented @ ATN12, Accra, August’09 ] Michael Herrmann Economic Affairs Officer Macroeconomics and Development Policies UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland

2 This presentation Financial effects Economic effects –Economic slowdown –Commodity price decline –Possible aid effects Political effects Concluding thoughts –The make-up of crisis –Policies to discourage future crisis –Policies to address unraveling crisis

3 Financial effects

4 Economic effects: Economic slowdown

5 Economic slowdown… … discourages exports of all countries, but especially of countries with high exports to developed countries. … encourages fall commodity prices, which affects many of the poorest developing countries. … discourages investment in all countries, but especially in poorer developing countries which are perceived to be riskier. … encourages increased profit remittances from developing countries to developed. … discourages workers’ remittances from developed countries to developing countries.

6 Economic Effects: Commodity price decline

7 Political effect: Possible aid effect


9 Concluding thoughts The make-up of financial and economic crisis

10 Concluding thoughts Policies to discourage future crisis: Strengthen micro-prudential regulations –Focus: Stability of individual financial institutions – Risk management (capital adequacy ratio, i.e. capital/ risk, where risk is assets), corporate governance, accountability, transparency, long- term horizon of management –Agency: Financial supervisory agencies Strengthen macro-prudential regulations –Focus: Stability of financial system – Risk management (counter- cyclical regulations, incl. capital adequacy requirements, reserve requirements), moral hazard, buy-in of financial institutions –Key agencies: financial supervisory agencies and central banks

11 Concluding thoughts Policies to discourage future crisis (contd.): Consider prudential controls on capital inflows –Tobin-type taxes: Reduce reliance on short-term, volatile capital inflows; exposure to maturity and currency mismatches; volatility of exchange rates; upward pressure on currencies. Encourage timely alignments of exchange rates –International macroeconomic coordination to encourage prevent large and prolonged exchange rate misalignments and build-up of large and sustained external imbalances; companies can go out of business, countries cannot.

12 Concluding thoughts Policies to address unraveling crisis: Controls on capital outflows Blank guarantees for deposits Rescue of systemically relevant financial institutions Pursuit of counter-cyclical macroeconomic policies Leakages in open economies Risk of protectionism Risk of other bagger-thy-neighbor policies Importance of intl. policy coordination Importance of social protection

13 Concluding thoughts “Financial markets have for some time had an independent capacity to destabilize developing countries; there are now increasing indications of the vulnerability of all countries to financial crisis. […] Overall, there appears to be a need for more collective control and guidance over international finance. ” The Trade and Development Report 1990.

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