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Report from ILCSC Shin-ichi Kurokawa ILCSC Chair KEK February 4, 2004 ACFA LC Workshop and GDE Meeting IHEP, Beijing, China.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from ILCSC Shin-ichi Kurokawa ILCSC Chair KEK February 4, 2004 ACFA LC Workshop and GDE Meeting IHEP, Beijing, China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from ILCSC Shin-ichi Kurokawa ILCSC Chair KEK February 4, 2004 ACFA LC Workshop and GDE Meeting IHEP, Beijing, China

2 ILC Organization Chart ICFA ILCSC GDE Asia Regional Team European Regional Team American Regional Team ACFA ALCSCFALC

3 ICFA and the Linear Collider ICFA has been helping to guide international cooperation on and try to realize the Linear Collider more than 10 years. Major steps: 1995: First LC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 1999: ICFA Statement on Linear Collider 2002: ICFA commissioned the second LC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 2002: ICFA has established the ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) with Maury Tigner as the 1 st Chair 2004 ILCSC set up ITRP and ICFA/ILCSC have approve ITRP recommendation 2005 ICFA/ILCSC has established GDE

4 Directors CERNRobert Aymar DESYAlbrecht Wagner FermilabPier Oddone KEKAtsuto Suzuki SLACJonathan Dorfan LC Steering Group Chairs AsianWon Namkung European Karlheinz Meier AmericanSatoshi Ozaki Other Chair(2 nd )Shin-ichi Kurokawa China (IHEP Director) Hesheng Chen Russia (BINP Director) Alexander Skrinsky ICFA outside LC regionsVinod Sahni Asia Rep. Sachio Komamiya Europe Rep. Francois Richard American Rep. Jim Brau SecretaryRoy Rubinstein Membership of the ILCSC(Present)

5 ILCSC Charter(2002) Engage in outreach, explaining the intrinsic scientific and technological importance of the project to the scientific community at large, to industry, to government officials and politicians and to the general public Based upon the extensive work already done in the three regions, engage in defining the scientific roadmap, the scope and primary parameters for machine and detector. It is particularly important that the initial energy, the initial operations scenario and the goals for upgradeability be properly assessed. -> Parameter Committee(Chaired by Rolf Heuer)

6 Parameters for the ILC (2003) E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity   Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV

7 ILCSC Charter (cont) Monitor the machine R&D activities and make recommendations on the coordination and sharing of R&D tasks as appropriate. Although the accelerator technology choice may well be determined by the host country, the ILCSC should help facilitate this choice to the largest degree possible. > ITRP (International Technology Recommendation Panel) Identify models of the organizational structure, based on international partnerships, adequate for constructing the LC facility. In addition, the ILCSC should make recommendations regarding the role of the host country in the construction and operation of the facility.

8 ITRP Recommendation endorsed by ICFA in August 2004 ICFA has decided on superconducting technology for the future linear collider (LC), by endorsing the resolution of the ITRP. The ITRP report emphasizes the importance of world-wide unified approach as a single team to design the international linear collider (ILC ). -> ILCSC has established GDE

9 Global project named International Linear Collider (ILC)

10 Global Design Effort (GDE) ILCSC set up a committee with Paul Grannis as Chair to select a Director for the GDE. February 2005, at TRIUMF, ILCSC and ICFA unanimously endorsed the Committee’s choice. On March 18, 2005 Barry Barish officially accepted the position at the opening of LCWS 05 meeting at Stanford.

11 Global Design Effort The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)

12 ILC DGE ILC-MOU : Signed on May 10, 2005

13 Comment on ILC MoU GDE activities are done on the basis of this ILC MoU In addition to 11 signers, Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP), Kyungpook University of Korea and IN2P3 of France have signed the ILC MoU recently This ILC MoU is valid until May 2008 and it shall be reviewed at the time of transition from RDR to TDR

14 The GDE Plan and Schedule 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt LHC Physics CLIC From Barry

15 ILCSC has setup MAC as its sub-panel March 2006 1. As one of the ILCSC oversight activities of GDE, MAC (Machine Advisory Committee) has been formed in March 2006. 2. MAC reviews the GDE activities with respect to accelerators and report to ILCSC, and, at the same time, give advice to GDE director. 3. MAC reviews BCD as soon as the document is released, and then 、 review the activities of GDE at appropriate time until RDR is finalized. 4. MAC meets a few times a year during this period. 5. Number of MAC members is 10-12, and members shall be selected mostly on the basis of their expertise and not on the basis of regional balance.

16 NameAffiliationExpertise, etc Ferdinad WillekeDESYChair Norbert HoltkampORNLlinac, RF, LC, Project Katsunobu OideKEKe-ring, Accelerator Physics, Project John SeemanSLACe-ring, Accelerator Physics, Project, MDI Don HartillCornellProject (added in December) Dave McGinnisFNALRF, accelerator physics, project Claus RhodeTJLcryogenics Lenny RivkinPSIlow emittance ring, accelerator physics Takaaki FuruyaKEKSCRF In-Soo KoPALlinac, accelerator physics, project Bernd LoehrDESYlong term technical coordinator of ZEUS Burt RichterSLACproject, Accelerator physics Gunter GeschonkeCERNRF, SCRF Yuri ShatunovBINPaccelerator physics, project Shin-ichi KurokawaKEKChair of ILCSC, ex-officio Maskazu YoshiokaKEK lProject (added in December 2006) Roy RubinsteinFNALSecretary ILC MAC members

17 MAC meetings 1 st : April 6-7, 2006, at FNAL 2 nd : September 20-22, 2006, at KEK 3 rd : January 10-12, 2007, at Daresbury, 4 th : April 26-27, 2007, in FNAL

18 Mandate of the MAC in Daresbusry (January 10-12) # Review the soundness of the overall RDR concept, identify any areas of concern, note what R&D is still needed, and comment on whether the performance parameters can be met. # Review the cost methodology and identify any areas of concern.

19 MAC report The committee would like to acknowledge that a large amount of work has been accomplished since its last meeting. The MAC applauds that considerable evolution of the design was achieved which was made possible by strong leadership and guidance by the GDE. Together these have resulted in a successful reduction of the total project cost as compared to the status of summer 2006. The numerous design changes that provide considerable cost reductions as compared to the baseline configuration are clear evidence that the performance driven baseline configuration was successfully converted into a cost conscious design. It is also remarkable that the difficult process of implementing these significant changes has not slowed down the momentum of the design effort but rather has strengthened the design team’s focus. The committee would like to congratulate the GDE and the local teams in the laboratories for this achievement. It goes beyond what had been considered achievable under the given circumstances in a short amount of time.

20 Recent and Future ILCSC meetings July 30, 2006, in Moscow November 11, 20006, in Valencia January 12, 2007 (afternoon), in Daresbury (after MAC on January 10-12). First RDR cost disclosure to ILCSC. February 8, 2007, in Beijing June 1, 2007, in DESY

21 Revised Mandate of ILCSC (August 2006) The ILCSC, as a Sub-panel of ICFA, is established in order to facilitate a global support towards the realization of the International Linear Collider as a global collaborative effort, drawing on input from regional steering committees. The ILCSC has established the Global Design Effort (GDE) Central Team to coordinate and direct the effort of the teams in Asia, Europe and the Americas that comprise the GDE. The ILCSC, representing ICFA, will provide oversight to the GDE. The ILCSC will monitor the progress of the GDE activities, including through reports by the GDE Director and the assessment of technical progress through reports by the MAC Chairperson.

22 Revised Mandate of ILCSC (wrt FALC) The ILCSC will work closely with the Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider (FALC) and/or other national or international agencies to facilitate the evolution of GDE to an institution under international governance aimed at the construction of the ILC. The ILCSC will assess and endorse budget requests for the common operations fund of the Central Team that the GDE Director will put forward to Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider (FALC) for approval. Comment: FALC has changed its name from Funding Agencies for Linear Colliders to Funding Agencies for Large Colliders in May 2006 FALC is now trying to write Terms of Reference

23 Modified Mandate of ILCSC (wrt WWS) The Worldwide Study (WWS) will report regularly to the ILCSC and advise it on ILC physics and detector issues, while maintaining close contact with the GDE on the development of detector concepts and detector R&D The ILCSC will monitor the progress of the detector and machine detector interface development, including through reports by the co-chairpersons of the WWS and the Machine Detector Interface Committee (MDI).

24 ILCSC School ILC School May 06 SOKENDAI ILC School was a great success. ILCSC has approved to prepare to hold the 2 nd ILC School in Erice in fall of 2007.

25 Parameter Committee Reactivated ILC Parameters In order to obtain a better understanding of the relation between cost and performance, it was felt useful to ask the Parameters Subcommittee (chaired by Rolf Heuer) to re-examine its 2003 report. ILCSC decided to reactivate the Parameters Subcommittee (in July) Parameter Committee Report Rolf Heuer reported semi-final version of the report to ILCSC (in November) The final version will be reported at Beijing ILCSC meeting.

26 Discussion on RDR to TDR(EDR) A first discussion concerning the next steps took place at Valencia and ILCSC and ILCSC has decided its action. It was agreed that ILCSC would ask GDE to give its input to ILCSC at the occasion of ILCSC meeting in Beijing in February 2007. Discussion will be continued further after Beijing meeting.

27 Action by ILCSC agreed upon As an oversight body of GDE, ILCSC should evaluate the RDR (on the basis of report given by GDE, the MAC report, and information given by WWS). This evaluation process will need a few months after the RDR report is issued. The Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) should evaluate the RDR from technical view point and report to ILCSC.

28 Action by ILCSC(cont) ILCSC will ask the GDE to provide a proposal and schedule how to move forward from the RDR to the TDR(EDR), including the design of accelerators, cost estimate, organizational structure, world-wide cooperation, coordination of world-wide R&D activities, and relation with the physics community. ILCSC will then evaluate the proposal given by the GDE.

29 Action by ILCSC(cont) Based on this evaluation, ILCSC will recommend to ICFA on how to move from RDR to TDR phase and report to FALC. The proposal should include: a) Definition of the scope of the TDR(EDR) and the action necessary to reach this scope b) Organizational structure c) Legal framework (e.g. MoU) for the RDR to TDR(EDR) phase Two important issues: 1) how to establish scheme for global-coordinated R&D for ILC (real work); 2) how to make GDE on much solid footing.

30 Agenda of Beijing ILCSC meeting February 8, 2007 Joint ICFA/ILCSC meeting in the morning of Feb. 8 to discuss the RDR and its cost estimate. Press release is planned to be held around noon time. ILCSC will continue its discussion in the afternoon (MAC Report; GDE Response to MAC Report; Parameters Subcommittee Report; WWS; RDR to TDR (continued); Regional Reports, Nomination of International Cost Review members.

31 International Cost Review Agreed upon by ILCSC and FLAC It was agreed that a single international cost review of the RDR should take place. The ILCSC could be invited to organize this review. ILCSC will nominate 2 members per region and add a few members if it thinks appropriate, taking into account expertise of members. In addition to it two members per region will be selected by FALC. This review should focus on cost trends and relative costs of sub- systems as they relate to potential scope changes to be incorporated in the TDR, their relevance to the R&D program needed to complete the TDR, and the methodology used in the estimate. FALC has nominated candidates; ILCSC will start nomination in Beijing Meeting. This review will be held in this spring..

32 Thank you for your Attention !

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