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ILD SiD CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D groups involved in “world-wide.

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Presentation on theme: "ILD SiD CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D groups involved in “world-wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILD SiD CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D groups involved in “world-wide LC detector work” CLIC R&D 1

2 These are all CERN-funded projects  (e.g. CERN contribution to LHC experiments, accelerator operation, etc, etc) CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project this project stands for: “funding to work on LC detectors: ILC/CLIC concepts and R&D” project leader is Lucie (nominated by CERN DG) 2 explanatory slides, serving just to give background info… 2

3 ILD SiD CLIC CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D CERN LCD project participation CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project R&D 3 CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project

4 “CLIC physics and detector study” Implementation model based on typical HEP experiment model CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Executive Team Chair Members CLIC Detector Executive Team Chair Members Steering Board Executive team Representative ILD Representative SiD Working group conveners Chairperson of IB Steering Board Executive team Representative ILD Representative SiD Working group conveners Chairperson of IB  working groups  CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. CLIC accelerator organisation here, with very similar structure CLIC R&D 4

5 CLIC physics and detector study: organisation The following principles are imbedded in the structure: Acknowledgement of strong collaboration with LC physics/detector studies A means for institutes to participate (semi-)formally A means for participating institutes give direction to the project A means for participating institutes to appoint an executive body + role rotation A small executive team A steering board for the physics and detector study A strong link to the CLIC accelerator project via the CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) CSC involving CLIC accelerator and detector, ILC accelerator representation, LC detector study representation, 3-region representation A host laboratory (CERN) 5

6 CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Executive Team Lucie Linssen Mark Thomson, James Wells, Konrad Elsener CLIC Detector Executive Team Lucie Linssen Mark Thomson, James Wells, Konrad Elsener Steering Board Executive team Representative ILD Representative SiD Working group conveners Chairperson of IB Steering Board Executive team Representative ILD Representative SiD Working group conveners Chairperson of IB  working groups  CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. ✓ “ ad interim” next step to be implemented ✔ exists already requires drafting MoA + participants (will take ~1 year) CLIC R&D 6 “CLIC physics and detector study”

7 Possible future LC organisation 7

8 ILD SiD CLIC CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D Possible future LC organisation R&D ? ? steering review director 8

9 The interface between “concepts” and “R&D collaborations” Can we limit the number of “steering groups” ? Can we limit the number of “review” bodies, and ensure that the review bodies are real “expert bodies” ? Role of WWS ? Which parts of the structure needs to be fully global ? Which parts of the new structure need “regional representation” ? Which parts are simply “bottom-up”, and driven by the persons/institutes who are actually participating ? Some questions about the future LC organisation 9

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