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Idealized Tropical Cyclone Structure. Tropical Cyclone Extension of the Warm Core middle –level vortex to the surface. Inducement of Ekman pumping Non-linear.

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Presentation on theme: "Idealized Tropical Cyclone Structure. Tropical Cyclone Extension of the Warm Core middle –level vortex to the surface. Inducement of Ekman pumping Non-linear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idealized Tropical Cyclone Structure

2 Tropical Cyclone Extension of the Warm Core middle –level vortex to the surface. Inducement of Ekman pumping Non-linear growth due to increased heating efficiency as vortex strengthens Creation of new instability by increased energy through lowering of pressure Carnot Cycle of heating



5 TC Structure

6 Theta_e Structure

7 Grid 3: Vertical motion surfaces 15:30 UTC 26 August, 1998 +1 m/s – red -1 m/s -blue +0.5 m/s – red -0.5 m/s -blue

8 Equivalent Potential Temperature Surfaces colored with Potential Vorticity at 15:30 UTC from West 354 Theta_e 361 Theta_e

9 Equivalent Potential Temperature Surface with Trajectories Colored by Theta 361 Theta_e from South361 Theta_e from North Downdraft?   Updraft makes several revolutions while heating 

10 Equivalent Potential Temperature at 4.1 km MSL (downdraft trajectories shown also)  Dry tongue forming basis of downdraft Surface Wind Speed Wind max from downdraft  15:30 UTC 26 August, 1998 Downdraft  trajectories

11 Surface Theta_e Rain Mixing Ratio Surface Surface streamlines 11:40 UTC15:30 UTC

12 Surface Theta Rain Mixing Ratio Surface Surface streamlines 11:40 UTC15:30 UTC

13 From West From East From South From North 354 Theta_e and Trajectories at 15:30 UTC

14 Carnot Cycle Theory

15 Carnot Cycle Theory For Tropical Cyclones 4 Cycles 1.Isothermal (diabatic) expansion of inflow along ocean surface a)Isothermal heat transfer from ocean surface (ocean surface temperature varies little, pressure lowers and so heat must be absorbed to keep from cooling) b)Moisture transfer from ocean surface c)Loss of Energy due to friction to surface 2.Moist Adiabatic Ascent in Eye-Wall a)Moist neutral ascent (short time scale so neglect diabatic radiative transfer) b)Neglect diabatic gain of entropy by precipitation falling 3.Isothermal (diabatic) compression in outflow a)Gradual sinking balanced by radiational cooling to maintain constant temperature b)Work preformed against inertial stability of the environment 4.Moist Adiabatic Descent within outer convective downdrafts back to surface a) Outer convective bands tap into theta_e minimum formed after radiation induced ascent and bring air back to surfacxe moist adiabatically over short time scale so can neglect diabatic radiation

16 Summary of Carnot Cycle Sources of Thermal Energy 1.Thermal transfer from ocean surface 2.Latent heat transfer from Ocean surface Sinks of Energy 1.Friction at surface 2.Work against Inertial Stability in Outflow Thermodynamic Efficiency of Cycle –A function of temperature difference between hot plate and cold plate divided by mean: –Lowest Pressure attained is a function of: Sinks of Energy Sources (SST) Efficiency (SST and Tropopause )

17 Maximum Gradient Wind As a function of SST



20 Outflow Limitations of TC

21 Where Do TCs form?

22 TC Tracks

23 Genesis Theory



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