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Published byKaitlyn Perry Modified over 11 years ago
The new Italian cataloguing code Regole italiane di catalogazione, REICAT: application and provisions in the shared catalog SBN (Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale) Cristina Magliano Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries (ICCU)
The Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries (ICCU) is the national center which promotes and coordinates cataloguing and digitisation activities of the Italian libraries is a body of the Italian Ministry for cultural heritage and activities is responsible for guiding, producing, adapting and disseminating the standard rules for cataloguing and digitisation of the library heritage.
ICCU Departments and Activities 1. Administrative Service 2. Service for the cultural promotion ICCU is structured in 2 services and 6 departments Projects: Internet Culturale CulturaItalia Europeana (Italian partic.) World Digital Library (Italian partic.) European projects Google Books (Italian partic.) 1.Standards rules for cataloguing and digitisation 2. National Library Service (SBN) 3. Bibliographic information and activities, Registry of the Italian libraries 4. Digitisation and access to documents 5. Activities concerning bibliography, cataloguing and census of the ancient book 6. Census and management of the Italian bibliography of manuscripts
National projects National Library Service – SBN Internet Culturale CulturaItalia
SBN: the National Library Service The National Library Service (SBN) is the network of the Italian libraries providing services to libraries and to end-users. SBN: is a network promoted by the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and coordinated by ICCU acts in cooperation with Regions and Universities is based on the cooperation among libraries provides services to libraries and end-users gets over the fragmentation of the Italian Libraries structure OPAC SBN online since 1997 5
SBN governance (1) 6 SBN steering committee: partner representatives (chaired by the Culture Minister) responsible for the SBN policy and strategy SBN partners Ministry for cultural heritage and activities (MiBAC) Ministry of education, university and research (MIUR) Ministry for public administration and innovation Conference of the Italian Regions Union of the Italian Provinces (UPI) National Association of the Italian municipalities (ANCI)
SBN governance (2) Responsible for: guidelines and standards evolution of the network service development SBN technical committee: ICCU director 1 representative of MiBAC-DG for libraries 13 representatives appointed by the steering committee (policy makers, technicians, specialists)
SBN today 71 nodes 4,500 libraries all over the country national, university, local and specialist Over 11 M bibliographic descriptions authors: over 3 M holding locations: 55 M OPAC – over 30 M searches / 2010 8
n8n8 n7n7 n6n6 n5n5 n4n4 n3n3 n2n2 n1n1 SBN nodes distribution and architecture
SBN Evolution: Functional Objectives Integration of existing national databases: –Modern books and serials; –Antique publications; –Music (printed and manuscript); –Authority Files
SBN Evolution: Functional Objectives Extension to new types of material: On line cataloguing will be extended to music, prints, photographs, cartographic material, etc. centered on a common standard cataloguing process, accepting as well specific data for each material
SBN evolution: Functional objectives Web interface for central cataloguing functions: Authority files management; Quality control and revision (Corrections, elimination of duplicates) and data exchange Import/Export of bibliographic records
The SBN MARC protocol The solution for the interoperability between the Union Catalogue (Index) and the LMSs is guaranteed by the SBN MARC protocol, based on 'request' (libraries => Index) and 'response' (Index =>libraries) The xsd schema is freely available ( It is based on international standards (UNICODE UTF-8, ISBD, etc.) and uses MARC semantic elements and an xml syntax 13
SBN: technical features Open architecture based on common internet protocols: –TCP/IP, HTTP, XML/XSL, SOAP, JMS etc… Easy integration with other systems: –based on Java Platform 2 Enterprise Edition High performance and reliability –Unix platforms and Java multi-threaded services –High performance relational DBMS (Oracle RDBMS) 14
SBN: functionalities Web interface for central cataloguing functions: –authority files management; –quality control and revision (corrections, elimination of duplicates) and data exchange –import/export of bibliographic records 15
SBN: shared cataloguing SBN libraries work independently and integrate their work into a cooperative system based on a national network. SBN is an architecture for a cooperative library services network: –Central Union Catalogue (Index) at national level –Union Catalogues (Nodes) at regional and local levels The Union Catalogue uses structured data, not flat records (i.e. MARC format) –records are registered only once and reused afterwards (captured) –records can be improved through different levels of correction (levels of authority) –modifications and updating are sent to all participating libraries
SBN: the cooperative catalogues The Index database SBN use structured data not flat records (i.e. MARC format) –Record are registered only once and reuse afterwards –Records can be improved through different levels of correction (levels of authority) –Modifications are propagated to all libraries who participate
n8n8 n7n7 n6n6 n5n5 n4n4 n3n3 n2n2 n1n1 SBN - Architecture
SBN databases Three main databases Titles Subject lillin liklil ilieli dinli nke Author TitleSubject linked Author
Title database Title of manifestation Parallel title Variant title Title of collection Uniform title Etc. Titles
Author database See references: variant form of personal name and corporate body (forms in different languages, forms in different scripts., variations in fullness, grammatical variations, graphic variations and errors See also references: personal name component of group, historical form for corporate body Authors
Bibliographic records Monograph Author Original title Series Sub-series Previous edition
The Cooperative Catalogue – How it Works SBN has always used structured data (SQL) NOT flat records (UNIMARC) this anticipates FRBR Structured data allows for navigation between descriptive records using concepts such as parallel titles, other titles, other editions Records are registered only once and reused afterwards. Records can be improved through different levels of correction (levels of authority). Modifications are propagated to all libraries who participate.
Table of contents 0. Introduction PART I BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION AND COPY-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1. Objects and modes of bibliographic description 2. General guidelines for bibliographic description 3. Sources of information 4. Areas and elements ot the description [omitted] 5. Description of multipart publications and analytic description [omitted] 6. Description of unpublished documents [omitted] 7. Information related to specific copies [omitted] PART II WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS 8. Work and expression 9. Uniform titles 10. Expressions of the same work 11. New works related to pre-existing works 12. Works contained in a publication and assignment of uniform titles 13. Access from other titles
Table of contents 2 PART III RESPONSIBILITIES 14. Responsibility relationships 15. Uniform headings for persons [omitted] 16. Uniform headings for corporate bodies [omitted] 17. Responsibility for the work [omitted] 18. Responsibility for the expression [omitted] 19. Responsibility for publishing and manufacturing [omitted] 20. Responsibility related to specific copies [omitted] APPENDICES [omitted] Appendix A. Abbreviations and symbols Appendix B. Capitalization and numerals Appendix C. General material designation
Table of contents 3 Appendix D. Specific material designation Appendix E. Music formats Appendix F. Transliteration or transcription of non-Latin scripts Appendix G. Uniform titles for editions of the Bible Appendix H. Genre terms for collective uniform titles Index
0: Introduction preliminary chapter introduces the definitions of catalogue functions primary concepts main contents of the rules
Part I, Bibliographic description and copy-specific information guidelines for basic decisions about what to describe, and how distinction between serials, monographic series and multi-part publications the treatment of multiple manifestations (reprints, variant issues, different formats, etc.) choice of the main source of information to be used in description Detailed rules concern the transcription of data
Unpublished documents (Chap.6) originals, manuscripts, unpublished reproductions, etc.), that most libraries decide to include in the general catalogue
Copy-specific information Chap. 7 informations relating the copy separated from bibliographic description of publication/manifestation Include informations about ownership, provenance, etc. availability information and housekeeping data
Innovations The most innovative part is Part II, Works and expressions. For the first time, this part includes detailed rules for the identification (by assignment of uniform titles and, if needed, of qualifiers, (Ch. 9) of all works represented in catalogued publications: with or without authors, textual or nontextual, classical or contemporary, represented by only one or many expressions and/or manifestations
Critic points The Bibliographic description keep a central point in the new code (traditional vision of the cataloguing practices) even if the code includes detailed rules about modifications of the same work in different expressions The text does not follow the FRBR definitions and terminology closely
Work An intellectual or artistic creation represented by a text, a piece of music or any other form of expression (a motion picture, a ballet, etc.) or by a material object or artefact (a drawing, a sculpture, etc.) Expression Means the specific intellectual or artistic form that a work has taken on in a specific realization
EXPRESSION (Chap. 8.2) 8.2.1. Definition Expression means the specific intellectual or artistic form that a work has taken on in a specific realization. In the strict sense, all realizations of a work involving any difference in the textual (musical, visual etc.) content may be considered to be distinct expressions. However, since even minute differences are almost always found in different publications, and often even in groups of items belonging to the same edition (e.g. reprints) or in individual copies, especially in hand-printed books, only the realizations or sets of similar (albeit not identical) realizations should be considered to be distinct expressions, which may be practically and usefully identified in a catalogue.
Expressions of the same work (Chp.10) They include: Variant editions and alternative versions Modernized or simplified versions Alternative editions or versions Abridged or condensed, expurgated or censored versions or editions Enlarged, revised or updated versions or editions Translations Versions that use a different representation medium Performances of musical or dramatic works, or of other works intended for performance
Work Function of uniform title a) identifying a work, distinguishing it from other works, if any, bearing the same title; b) grouping together the editions of a work published using different titles or variations of the title, in the same language or in other languages, or on different media and forms of realization; c) allowing an orderly and structured display of the works of an author and of the editions of each work; d) allowing the opportunity to highlight the relationships between distinct but related works.
To identifie a work, and distinguendola da eventuali altre opere con lo stesso titolo Storia di Roma La storia di Roma Storia di Roma / Montanelli, Indro / DAngelo, Maria / Bonghi, Ruggiero
Grouping together the editions of a work published using different titles in the same language or in other languages Il coraggio di sfidare la mafia … / Gigi Moncalvo … 1986 (title in the subsequent editions) Faccia a faccia con la mafia … / Gigi Moncalvo … 1986 (title of the first edition) Il coraggio di sfidare la mafia / Moncalvo, Gigi <Faccia a faccia con la mafia / Moncalvo, Gigi
Grouping together the editions of a work published on different media and forms of realization Aida / Verdi …1974. – 3 dischi sonori … Aida : opera in quattro atti / Giuseppe Verdi … 1980. – 1 partitura … Aida : melodramma in quattro atti … / Giuseppe Verdi … 1977. – 3 dischi sonori … Aida / Verdi, Giuseppe t.u. with additions Aida / Verdi, Giuseppe (audioregistrazioni)
ActuallyIn future Uniform title author Bibliographic description
CHOICE OF A UNIFORM TITLE (Chap. 9.1) The uniform title for a work is based on the title by which the work is generally identified. It may be: the original title, chosen by the author or assigned upon the first publication of the work a variant of this title or a title adopted in later editions the initial words of the text (incipit) a traditional or conventional title or any other commonly used designation.
Expression of the same work Uniform title +additions (optional) Uniform title of the work with conventional additions may be used identifying different expressions of the same work Le avventure di Pinocchio / Collodi, Carlo (in inglese)
Title of work Title of expressions t.u.o. À la recherche du temps perdu / Proust, Marcel t.u.e. À la recherche du temps perdu / Proust, Marcel (in italiano) t.u.o. Le confessioni dun italiano / Nievo, Ippolito t.u.e. Le confessioni dun italiano / Nievo, Ippolito (braille)
45 Conventional additions for the manifestation containing the work in different language from original Litalia oggi / Bolton King e Thomas Okey … 1904 … (manifestation containing italian translation) Italy today / by Bolton King and Thomas Okey … 1901 … (manifestation containing original work) t.u. with additions Italy today / King, Bolton (in italiano) Italy today / King, Bolton
46 Conventional additions for different form of realizations DIB : dizionario di base della lingua italiana / T. De Mauro, G. G. Moroni …, 1998 … (CD-ROM manifestation publishing in 1998) DIB : dizionario di base della lingua italiana / T. De Mauro, G. G. Moroni …, © 1996 … (manifestation containing the first printing edition) t.u. with additions DIB : Dizionario di base della lingua italiana / De Mauro, Tullio ( risorse elettroniche ) DIB : Dizionario di base della lingua italiana / De Mauro, Tullio
47 Conventional additions for parts of work Le Confessioni … : le più belle pagine di un capolavoro immortale … ©1996.. (manifestation containing Italian translation of selected parts from Confessioni) Confessiones …curante prof. Felice Ramorino … 1909 … (manifestation containing work in the original language) t.u. with additions Confessiones / Augustinus, Aurelius (in italiano ; antologie) Confessiones / Augustinus, Aurelius
48 New works related to pre-existing works (Chap. 11) The following are considered to be new works, distinct from pre-existing works remakes or re-elaborations (paraphrases, compendia, etc.) autonomous elaborations of narrative themes or other genres official texts connected to or deriving from other texts concordances, indexes, summaries and other practical or didactic elaborations continuations, appendices and supplements Related works are linked through see also references
49 Re-elaboration of a work Orlando innamorato di M. Maria Boiardo / rifatto da Francesco Berni … 1971 Orlando innamorato / Berni, Francesco Orlando innamorato / Matteo Maria Boiardo … 1926 … Orlando innamorato / Boiardo, Matteo Maria
50 Autonomous elaborations of narrative themes or other genres Tristano / Gottfried von Strassburg ; a cura di Laura Mancinelli … 1994 … Tristano e Isotta / Thomas ; traduzione di Fabio Troncarelli … 1979 … Tristan / Gottfried von Strasbourg t.u. with additions Tristan / Gottfried von Strasbourg (in italiano) Le roman de Tristan / Thomas t.u. with additions Le roman de Tristan / Thomas (in italiano)
51 Translations or paraphases Parafrasi della Repubblica / Averroè ; nella traduzione latina di Elia Del Medigo … 1992 … La Repubblica / Platone ; traduzione di Franco Sartori … 1997 … Taljis kitab al-Siya Afla tun / Averroes < Parafrasi della Repubblica / Averroes t.u. with additions Taljis kitab al-Siya Afla tun / Averroes (in latino) Respublica / Plato < La Repubblica / Plato t.u. with additions Respublica / Plato (in italiano)
52 Compendia Il Capitale di Karl Marx / compendio di Carlo Cafiero … 1996 … Das Kapital … / Karl Marx …1987 … Compendio del Capitale / Cafiero, Carlo Das Kapital / Marx, Karl < Il Capitale / Marx, Karl
53 Concordances, indices Rimario della Commedia di Dante Alighieri / Arianna Punzi … 2001 … La Divina Commedia / Dante Alighieri … 2000 … Divina Commedia / Alighieri, Dante Rimario della Commedia di Dante Alighieri / Punzi, Arianna
Collective uniform title Formulated by the cataloguer For publications that include: the complete works of an author, or a selection of more than three of his works [Opere] More than three parts of different works of the same author (with conventional additions) [Opere] (selections) Works of the same genre of one author (with genre additions) [Opere. Narrativa]
Visualization of works of prolific author [Opere] / Pirandello, Luigi [Opere. Lettere e carteggi] / Pirandello, Luigi [Opere. Racconti e novelle] / Pirandello, Luigi [Opere. Romanzi] / Pirandello, Luigi [Opere. Saggi] / Pirandello, Luigi [Opere. Teatro] / Pirandello, Luigi Lesclusa / Pirandello, Luigi Il fu Mattia Pascal / Pirandello, Luigi Novelle per un anno / Pirandello, Luigi Pensaci, Giacomino / Pirandello, Luigi Sei personaggi in cerca dautore / Pirandello, Luigi Il turno / Pirandello, Luigi Uno, nessuno e centomila / Pirandello, Luigi …
Responsibilities Include: main concepts and definitions (e.g.,corporate bodies as authors, distinction between author and editor or director, etc.) the choice of uniform headings for persons (Ch. 15) and bodies (Ch. 16) and four chapters dealing with responsibilities for the work (Ch. 17), for particular expressions or additional contents of a publication (Ch. 18) for publishing and manufacturing (Ch. 19) and for responsability related to a specific copy, e.g. decoration, binding or provenance (Ch. 20).
14.2.1. Responsibility for the work and responsibility for its expressions The rules distinguish responsibilities at the level of the work from responsibilities relative to specific expressions of the work Responsibilities at the level of the work include: the conception, composition or realization of the work in its original form Responsibility at the level of the expression concerns: the expressions deriving from the original work (revised or updated editions, translations, performances, etc.). The first publication of the work, as a rule, is considered the original
Chap. 14.2.2. Authorship and other kinds of responsibility Persons and corporate bodies who have conceived and composed or realized the work in its original form, or have taken on these functions, are considered to be authors Other kind of are the responsibility for editing or directing (planning, coordinating, etc.) the realization of a work by more than one author or collaborator, including the editor himself
14.2.3. Principal, coordinate and secondary responsibility a) principal (or primary) responsibility, for the person or body which is the sole or principal author of the work, or the first among no more than three co-authors; b) coordinate responsibility, for persons or bodies having equal responsibility for the work with respect to the person or body to whom principal responsibility is assigned; c) secondary (or subordinate) responsibility, for persons or corporate bodies whose responsibility for the work is of a lesser degree than the previous case (editors, directors, etc.), or is shared among more than three co-authors, or is uncertain or erroneously attributed. Responsibility for specific expressions are considered always to be secondary
Memoranda and Guidelines for application of REICAT in SBN SBN Referring to the text of REICAT memoranda include: Parts that need explanations and updates respect the previous rules Parts for which are necessary what option apply solutions that need a transition phase because are necessary to change the s/w corrections of just catalogued (mandatory and optional), to mantain for the users legibility and concistency of the catalogue
Uniform Title 9.0.3 The use of uniform titles is mandatory for all works, with or without an authors name as main heading Application of this rule has been limited in the SBN union catalog to the following cases: 1) Translations or versions in different languages 2) For the parts of a work published separately the uniform title is made up of the title of the work followed by the title of the part (or by its designation or numbering) 3) For original edition is not mandatory. It is recommended only for the publications in the same language but with different titles 4) 12.4.1. Collections of works by different authors (or of anonymous works)
14.2.5. Alternative treatments Chap. 14.2.5 In catalogues in which it is not possible to link each responsibility to the entity to which it refers (e.g. in the case of a publication containing more than one work) and at the appropriate level (for the work, for a specific expression, for a given publication or for a single copy), all responsibilities may be treated at the level of the bibliographic record
15.4.2 See also references I The name of a person and the name of corporate body (group, studio, etc.) to which the person belonging or a collective pseudonimus onimo collettivo Application in SBN At the moment is not possible withouth a change of s/w. Is forseen an evolution of s/w
65 Ecclesiastical districts and religious bodies having territorial jurisdiction Application in SBN Changes of name has been forseen. The name is in direct form. responsabilità per lopera, lespressione e la Ex. *Ravenna-*Cervia (the previous form) has been modified in: *Arcidiocesi di *Ravenna-*Cervia < *Ravenna-*Cervia <Arcidiocesi responsabilità per lopera andranno collegate vari
66 A Religious bodies For religious body the uniform heading is, according to the general rules, the name under which are identified in their publication, in italian form is this form is used by the corporate body. The two form Santa Sede e Chiesa cattolica have been unified in a unique form: Chiesa cattolica. Application in SBN: The heading has been modified and has been created a see reference for the previous form adopted. *Santa *sede : *Congregazione per il *culto *divino Has been corrected in : *Chiesa *cattolica : *Congregazione per il *culto *divino < *Congregazione per il *culto *divino < *Congregatio pro *cultu *divino < *Santa *sede : *Congregazione per il *culto *divino
16.2.5. Statement of place or territorial district Se The name of a corporate body includes the statement of the place where is situated is recorded as it appears. If the statement of the place is not integral part is omitted. It is included only if necessary to distinguish omonimous corporate body as qualification. Application in SBN: The heading has been modified and has been created a see reference for the previous form adopted. *Archivio di *Stato has been modified in : *Archivio di *Stato di *Firenze *Biblioteca *comunale has been modified in: *Biblioteca *comunale di *Milano < *Biblioteca *civica di *Milano < *Biblioteca *comunale *Palazzo *Sormani < *Biblioteca *comunale <Milano
Thank you! Cristina Magliano
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