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How Sports use Social Media Sportsnation Twitter/Facebook/Youtube Live Chats Podcasts.

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Presentation on theme: "How Sports use Social Media Sportsnation Twitter/Facebook/Youtube Live Chats Podcasts."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Sports use Social Media Sportsnation Twitter/Facebook/Youtube Live Chats Podcasts

2 Sports Nation 30 Minute Espn Show dedicated to Social Media The Hosts poll “the nation” on various sports topics Example-

3 Athletles Using Facebook/Twitter/Youtube Several athletes now use Twitter and Facebook and even youtube to communicate with fans Reggie Bush facbook- Charlie Villeueva twitter- Jalen Rose youtube channel

4 Live Chats Several sports team websites now have live chatting during games Fans can chat with at least one expert live during the game, as well as other fans. Example-

5 Podcasts has free podcats for several of their normal tv and radio shows.


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