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JMMS Discipline Expectations September 2012. DON’T FINISH WHERE YOU BEGAN……….. BECOME LEGENDARY!

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Presentation on theme: "JMMS Discipline Expectations September 2012. DON’T FINISH WHERE YOU BEGAN……….. BECOME LEGENDARY!"— Presentation transcript:

1 JMMS Discipline Expectations September 2012


3 What is Horse Play? James Martin students are all about making Wise Choices. As a result, our students refrain from engaging in HORSE PLAY! Horse Play is rough play that can include playing, fighting, hitting, slapping, kicking, wrestling, jumping on a friend’s back, etc. While Horse Play often starts off to be fun, it often escalates to one or both students becoming angry. Fights often begin with Horse Play. Horse Play disrupts the flow of transitions and disrupts learning.

4 Insubordination Students ARE expected to comply with the direction/instruction of any staff member immediately. To refuse to follow instructions of a staff member is Insubordination. Walking away and/or speaking to a staff member in an inappropriate manner (tone and/or language) is considered insubordination and will not be tolerated at JMMS. Remember Respect Builds Character!

5 Disruptive Behavior Many behaviors can disrupt learning. Students at James Martin are expected to make Wise Choices and engage in behaviors that bring about learning. Our students are expected to refrain from engaging in disruptive behaviors, such as: Calling out Moving from assigned seat or area without permission Throwing objects (paper, candy, pencils, etc.) Harassment, name calling or teasing Making rude or inappropriate noises Interrupting the speaker

6 Fighting and Aggressive Behavior Students are expected to refrain from engaging in or instigating fighting or aggressive behaviors. These behaviors result in an automatic out of school suspension.

7 Hallways/Class Changes During Transitions Students are expected to move quickly in SINGLE file. This is NOT a time for social interactions. Be respectful. Students are not allowed in the “T” in the back hall or to use the bathroom during class changes. Also, Students are to remain on their own hallway at all times.

8 ADDITIONAL EXPECTATIONS Students are to refrain from using offensive language toward any staff member. Cell phones, IPods, gaming devices, computer etc. MUST be OUT OF SIGHT during school hours. If a member of the staff asks you to turn over an electronic device, you are expected to give the device to that staff member immediately.

9 Alcohol and Other Drugs CMS & James Martin Middle’s expectations are as follows: A student shall not use, purchase, sell, distribute, be under the influence of or possess any kind of tobacco, alcoholic beverage, controlled substance (as defined by state law) or illegal or counterfeit substance.

10 WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS OBJECT A student will not possess, handle, transport or use any weapon, object that can be reasonably considered a weapon, dangerous object or substance that could cause harm or irritation to another individual on school property, on the bus or at any school function.

11 FIREARMS…. A student shall not possess, handle or transport any handgun, rifle, starter gun, shotgun or any other weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosion, including camouflaged guns or any firearm muffler or silencer. Students violating this rule are subject to a 365-day mandatory suspension.

12 GANG AND GANG-RELATED ACTIVITIES No student shall commit any act that furthers gangs or gang-related activities. A gang is any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal acts, or the purposeful violation of any district policy, and having a common name or common identifying sign, colors or symbols.

13 NO BULLYING!!!! CMS has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy against Bullying. We expect our students to respect each other at all times!

14 Detention When a student receives after school detention, the following is expected: – Show up for detention by 4:30 – Have work to do – Follow all instructions – Be respectful and Quiet – Stay until 5:30 – Stay awake Not following these rules – OSS

15 Bus Behavior We expect our students to remain seated and quiet on the bus. Fighting is forbidden on the bus or at bus stops. Food and Drinks are NOT to be consumed on the bus. We expect our students to be respectful to each other and to the bus driver at all times. Remember - You can be removed from the bus!

16 Sexual Behavior/Public Displays of Affection Kissing, touching, hugging or any sexual contact - even if consensual – are all against CMS and James Martin Middle School Policy. Sexual Behavior and/or Sexual Harassment /Battery is Unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This behavior can lead to suspension and even arrest. We expect our students to behavior in a manner that is becoming to our school, our families and our community!!

17 Uniform Policy Students are expected to be in Uniform at all times. Not doing so Is insubordination. Reminder….. Bottoms: Khaki or navy blue twill shorts, slacks, jumpers, skirts. NO Blue Jeans or denim shorts, Blue, black, or khaki leggings or bike pants may be worn under skirts, but not by themselves as pants.

18 Uniform Policy Tops: Acceptable colors: white, navy blue, and orange. The shirt can be long or short sleeve shirt, IT MUST HAVE A COLLAR, but without designer labels, insignia, and/or pictures/advertisements. Shirts MUST have a Collar Shirts worn under collared shirts must be white, blue, and orange. If you are male, your shirt must be worn tucked in at all times.

19 Uniform Policy Clothing must fit and can not be more than one size larger than the student. Sweatshirts or jackets will not be allowed to be worn during the school day. UNLESS the Jacket or Sweatshirt is an Official James Martin sweatshirt, shirt, and long sleeve t-shirt. During cold weather you may wear a long sleeve navy blue or white collared shirt or you may wear a navy blue or white long sleeve shirt under your collared shirt. Hats, earmuffs, scarves, bandanas are not allowed.

20 Tardy Lock-Out System 1. When the tardy bell rings teachers will shut their doors and late students will report to the table in the main hall outside of the media center. 2. Students will give their name and ID number to the person at the Tardy Table. Students will sign in and staff will give the student a pass and send them back to class. 3. Teachers will collect passes from late students. No student will be admitted to class without a pass from the tardy table. (Teacher will not give tardy passes to students.)

21 PENTALTIES FOR TARDIES 1 st - Verbal Warning 2 nd - Verbal Warning 3 rd - 1 day ASD 4 th - 2 days ASD 5 th - 1 day of ISS 6 th - 2 days of ISS 7 th - 1 day OSS 8 th - 2 days OSS 9 th - 3 days OSS 10 th -Chronic Offender- 5days (Referral to Social Worker)


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