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The Outsiders By: Winnie Guo. Illustrations, Graphics, Pictures.

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1 The Outsiders By: Winnie Guo

2 Illustrations, Graphics, Pictures

3 Explanation  In the slide above, there were for pictures. One is people gathering around. This picture shows gangs, and there were gangs in the outsiders.  The second picture is a picture of three teenagers. I used that picture to represent the three main character in the story.  The third picture is a burning church, there was a scene where the church was burnt, and all Ponyboy, Jony, and Delly went to save the children.  The last one is about teenagers fight. The outsiders talked about the fight of two gangs, and the picture is a guy punching a man, and there are some people watching, which is what the socs did to the greaser.

4 Theme  I think the theme of the outsiders is a teenager can go above his circumstances through hard working and not giving up.  Another theme could be “nothing gold can stay”. There will be an end of everything you have now. This quote reminds me of the quote by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: “ Things Change. Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter, who would think that hose branches would true green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.  The most important theme is amity is the most important thing; without amity, there is no point of living and there is no point of being what called “a hunman”.

5 Adjectives  Cruel  Violent  Intense  Dark  Gloomy  Miserable  Deep

6 Quotes  “Can you see the sunset real good on the West side? You can see it on the East side too.”  This quote is saying that there will be not only one way to solve a problem, if your look at this problem from a different perspective, you might see a different solution.  “It seemed funny that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset.”  Having a different environment dose not mean two people can not get along. Two friends could be from totally different country. There could be a huge sea between two best friends, however, they could still be best friends. This quote in the outsiders could be best described as even though one is from the greaser; one is from the socs, doesn't mean that they can’t be friends.

7 Quote  “Nothing Gold Can Stay.”  “Nothing Stay Forever" "Nature’s first green is gold, "Her hardest hue to hold. "Her early leaf’s a flower; "But only so an hour. "Then leaf subsides to leaf. "So Eden sank to grief, "So dawn goes down today. "Nothing gold can stay.”  “Dally was so real he scared me.”

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