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M. Gomez Marzoa1 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 2012 Update on stave thermal testing Claudio BORTOLIN Enrico DA RIVA Corrado GARGIULO Manuel GOMEZ MARZOA.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Gomez Marzoa1 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 2012 Update on stave thermal testing Claudio BORTOLIN Enrico DA RIVA Corrado GARGIULO Manuel GOMEZ MARZOA."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Gomez Marzoa1 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 2012 Update on stave thermal testing Claudio BORTOLIN Enrico DA RIVA Corrado GARGIULO Manuel GOMEZ MARZOA WG4 Meeting - 12 th December 2012

2 Contents WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20122M. Gomez Marzoa 1.Overview 2.Wound-truss prototypes plus carbon plate with embedded pipes: thermal tests  D12: non-squeezed pipes 3.Results:  @0.3 W cm -2 & @0.5 W cm -2  D12 (C 4 F 10 ) vs. D06 (water)  D12 vs. D08 (C 4 F 10 )  Summary plot 4.General conclusion & test plan

3 PrototypeD12D13D14D15 Type High cond. plateHigh cond. plate, squeezed pipesHigh cond. plate Water tests---- C4F10 tests30/11/201210/12/2012-- CommentsSimilar to D06 prototype Test if squeezed pipes will stand working with an overpressure Narrower pipes Similar to D12 and D06, optimized roof assembly High conductivity plate w stave [mm]15.0 h stave [mm]5.0 Stave length [mm]290.0 Plate materialK1100 Thornel Plate thickness [mm] Graphite layer thick. [mm]0.03- C. fleece enc. thick. [mm]0.02 Roof materialM60J Roof fibers diameter [mm]0.3 N fibers at the roof [-]38 Pipe ID [mm]1.45 9.361.45 Pipe OD [mm]1.514 1.00 1.514 Pipe pos. in stave w [mm]0.33 GluingHand-made CommentsSi not included Heater Heater width [mm]13 Heater length [mm]270 Overview WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20123M. Gomez Marzoa

4 PrototypeD12D13D14D15 Type High cond. plateHigh cond. plate, squeezed pipesHigh cond. plate Water tests---- C4F10 tests30/11/201210/12/2012-- CommentsSimilar to D06 prototype Test if squeezed pipes will stand working with an overpressure Narrower pipes Similar to D12 and D06, optimized roof assembly High conductivity plate w stave [mm]15.0 h stave [mm]5.0 Stave length [mm]290.0 Plate materialK1100 Thornel Plate thickness [mm] Graphite layer thick. [mm]0.03- C. fleece enc. thick. [mm]0.02 Roof materialM60J Roof fibers diameter [mm]0.3 N fibers at the roof [-]38 Pipe ID [mm]1.45 9.361.45 Pipe OD [mm]1.514 1.00 1.514 Pipe pos. in stave w [mm]0.33 GluingHand-made CommentsSi not included Heater Heater width [mm]13 Heater length [mm]270 Overview WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20124M. Gomez Marzoa TESTED

5 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20125M. Gomez Marzoa D12 prototype tests Experimental setup. Flow visualization at stave entrance and outlet D12 prototype view.C 4 F 10 evaporative test bench: initial setup. Inlet/outlet180 deg turn Inflow Outflow

6 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20126M. Gomez Marzoa D12 prototype tests Experimental setup. C 4 F 10 evaporative test bench: initial setup. C 4 F 10 evaporative test bench: optimized setup.  The circuit setup was the one used for the Si microchannel tests.  Need to re-arrange it for the stave testing. 1.No subcooling tracking 2.Lamination before the coriolis flow meter: wrong reading 3.Flow instability and unknown vapor quality at stave entrance 1.Subcooling estimation  Subcooled liquid into flow meter 2.Lamination before the stave 3.Thermodynamic state tracked at stave entrance 1 2 3

7 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20127M. Gomez Marzoa D12 prototype tests Experimental setup. C 4 F 10 evaporative test bench: initial setup. C 4 F 10 evaporative test bench: optimized setup.  The circuit setup was the one used for the Si microchannel tests.  Need to re-arrange it for the stave testing. 1.No subcooling tracking 2.Lamination before the coriolis flow meter: wrong reading 3.Flow instability and unknown vapor quality at stave entrance 1.Subcooling estimation  Subcooled liquid into flow meter 2.Lamination before the stave 3.Thermodynamic state tracked at stave entrance 1 2 3 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OBTAINED ONGOING

8 D12 C 4 F 10 tests: results @ 0.3 W cm -2 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20128M. Gomez Marzoa Heater T map m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.300.3318.915.73.2 0.31 18.815.73.1 0.430.3519.015.53.4 0.500.3418.715.53.3 0.660.5120.315.15.2 0.820.6120.414.95.5

9 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 20129M. Gomez Marzoa Heater T map m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.330.39 19.5 16.43.1 0.42 19.5 15.73.8 0.490.43 18.7 15.53.2 0.660.62 21.0 15.16.0 0.830.73 22.4 14.97.5 D12 C 4 F 10 tests: results @ 0.5 W cm -2 Conclusions for D12:  Qualitatively significant results obtained: prototype can keep T < 30 °C (0.3 W cm -2 )  For 0.5 W cm -2, the maximum temperature is kept around 30 °C.  The lack of control over the flow regime and state prevents from quantifying the response of the prototype under different flow conditions.

10 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 201210M. Gomez Marzoa D12 m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.430.3519.015.53.4 D06 Q [L h -1 ]Δp [bar] T H20-In [°C] T H20-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 3.00.2315.217.62.4 D12 (C 4 F 10 ) vs. D06 (water) D12 m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.42 19.5 15.73.8 D06 Q [L h -1 ]Δp [bar] T H20-In [°C] T H20-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 3.00.2415.419.33.9 0.5 W cm -2 0.3 W cm -2

11 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 201211M. Gomez Marzoa D12 m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.430.3519.015.53.4 D08 m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.400.0613.313.4-0.1 D12 vs. D08 (both C 4 F 10 ) D12 m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.42 19.5 15.73.8 D08 m [g s -1 ]Δp St [bar] T C4F10-In [°C] T C4F10-Out [°C] ΔT flow-stave [°C] 0.400.1715.113.4-1.7 0.5 W cm -2 0.3 W cm -2

12 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 201212M. Gomez Marzoa D06 (water) vs. D08 vs D12 (C 4 F 10 )

13 General conclusion & test plan WG4 Meeting - 12th December 201213M. Gomez Marzoa  Performance of the D12 prototype using evaporative C 4 F 10 was qualitatively assessed and benchmarked against the D06 prototype (with HC plate) and the D08 structure (the wound- truss, no-plate prototype structure performing the best).  However, no identification of the flow regime can be done with the present C 4 F 10 setup.  New setup would allow to identify the vapor quality at every point and so estimate flow regimes, possibility of dryout, etc.  D13, D14, D14 prototypes will be tested:  D13: performance of the squeezed pipes concept.  D14: influence of a 1 mm pipe ID.  D15: same as D06 and D12, allow to assess repeatibility. + D12 will be tested again under different conditions.

14 M. Gomez Marzoa14 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 2012 Update on stave thermal testing Claudio BORTOLIN Enrico DA RIVA Corrado GARGIULO Manuel GOMEZ MARZOA WG4 Meeting - 12 th December 2012

15 M. Gomez Marzoa15 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 2012 Backup

16 Overview D12 WG4 Meeting - 12th December 201216M. Gomez Marzoa Maximum ΔT admissible at cooling system T1 T2 T1+0.5*ΔT Stave  If T2 – T1 = 6 K, the maximum ΔT at the stave would be 0.5*(T2-T1) = 3 K  In the prototypes tested up to now, ΔT in the water maximum was 3 K  A smaller flow rate can be set at the prototype for the configuration above. Depositions in pipe/erosion considerations  Usually, two characteristic velocities of the fluid are important:  Minimum velocity: avoiding depositions inside the piping.  Maximum velocity: avoiding failure by erosion throughout piping lifetime.  Contacted manufacturer: limits for erosion not known for polyimide tubes  Contacting medical companies and experts

17 2-phase C 4 F 10 tests @DSF ALICE Cooling Meeting - 4th September 201217M. Gomez Marzoa p [bar] h [kJ kg -1 ] 1 2 4 Q stave [W]  Inlet vapor quality:  Superheating at stave outlet: x = const T = const  Mass flow rate calculation:  Usually: where L is latent heat [kJ kg -1 ]: 3 5

18 Prototype summary WG4 Meeting - 12th December 201218M. Gomez Marzoa Wound truss structures:  Wound-truss structures, with no high conductivity plate.  D10:  CF is 0.1 mm thick, instead of 0.07 mm (D08).  Stave width: 15 mm.  D11: similar to D08.  CF 0.07 mm thick.  Stave width: 15 mm.  Added thick glue layer (avoid hotspots). Wound truss structures plus a high conductivity plate:  D06:  CF is 0.07 mm thick.  Stave width: 15 mm.  Pipe ID: 1.45 mm  D12: similar to D06.  Peek connectors Geometry of half a wound-truss prototype. Front view of the high conductivity plate prototypes. D12 prototype: real geometry.

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