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Front Range Roundtable Quarterly Meeting 11-14-14 Jill Alexander Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Douglas County Building Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Front Range Roundtable Quarterly Meeting 11-14-14 Jill Alexander Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Douglas County Building Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Front Range Roundtable Quarterly Meeting 11-14-14 Jill Alexander Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Douglas County Building Division

2  Mastication is an efficient and cost-effective tool for hazardous fuels reduction in Douglas County.  Gambel oak understory with ponderosa pine overstory.  Contiguous Gambel oak.  Significant amount of material in 2” dbh to 8” dbh are a significant ladder fuel component targeted for removal.




6  Visual quality.  Most projects in in high-use recreation areas or developed neighborhoods.  Fuel loads.  Project objectives.


8  Favored Management Prescriptions include removal of wood 8” dbh to 10” dbh and select tree removal to keep surface fuel loads low and achieve desired crown separation.  Without a guaranteed outlet some owners will not remove wood increasing the surface fuel loading.  Prefer surface fuel loads increase from mastication in some areas to achieve ladder and aerial fuel reduction.



11  included clearing, breaking up continuity of Gambel oak

12  A lot of mastication takes place in and around housing developments. Visual quality in an important outcome.



15  Very dense, mixed conifer stand with minimal oak on south facing slope and ridge top.  Hydro Ax was used for mulching, steep slopes.



18  Edge of cut is the property line.

19 Prefer reduction in ladder and aerial fuels over surface fuels accumulation objectives.

20  This project was completed in an interface neighborhood. Houses are surrounding the parcel.

21  Re-sprout of oak is significant management consideration.  Maintenance schedule for mowing or re-treat needs to be accounted for.  Treatment for weeds.

22  Questions?

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