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Research Methodology Lecture No : 13 (Data Collection-Questionnaire)

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1 Research Methodology Lecture No : 13 (Data Collection-Questionnaire)

2 Recap The Data is collected from primary and secondary sources
The primary data collect via Observation, panels, interviews, questionnaires etc Interview are structure and unstructured While interviewing there are certain guidelines There are structured and unstructed interviews There are some advantages / disadvantages of face to face vs telephone interviews .

3 Questionnaires Data Collection is mechanism when the researcher knows exactly what is required and how to measure the variables of interest. Types of Questionnaire: Personally administered questionnaire Mail Questionnaire

4 Personally Administered Questionnaires
Mostly local area based, org is willing to have a group of employee respond to it. It is Cheaper then interviews, helps remove doubts, motivating respondents

5 Mail Questionnaires: Wide geographical area can be reached, respondents have flexibility of time , It is more cost effective but the response rate is low, Can improve by giving some incentives and doubts cannot be clarified.

6 Guidelines for Principles
Content and purpose of question (Subjective/Objective) Language and wording( Jargon/ Technical) Type and Form (open ended, closed ended) Positively and Negatively Worded Biases ( loaded, leading, social desirable, double barreled) Sequencing of Questions

7 Content and purpose of Question:
If the variables tapped are subjective feeling we need to measure the dimension and elements .. Use interval scales If the variables are objectives/ facts a single direct question may be asked.

8 Language and Wording of question:
The level of respondents have to be considered. Slang and Technical jargon has to be avoided e.g. Work is a drag, she is a compulsive worker. Tech Jargon like organizational structure , 360 degree appraisal

9 Type and Form of Questions:
Open ended vs Closed Ended Positively vs Negatively Worded

10 Open ended vs Closed Ended
In open ended the respondent chooses any way they like. E.g. any five things which interest him at his job. In close ended the respondent have to make a choice among the given alternatives e.g. out of the list of 10 job characteristics rank any 5

11 Positively vs Negatively Worded :
Have some positive and some negative worded questions to break the monotony. E.g. Coming to work is great fun or coming to work is no great fun

12 Biases in Questions: Double Barreled:
Questions has more than one question within it. E.g. Do you think that the course content is adequate and it applicable at your work?

13 Ambiguous Question: Respondent does not know what it means. E.g. To what extent would you say you are happy? Do you discuss you work with your boss regularly? Do you go to movies frequently? Frequently may mean once in a week, or once in a month. Regularly may mean every day, or every week , or every month.

14 Recall Dependent: Questions based on past experiences and rely on memory. E.g. After 30 years of work one would not remember the first job details such as name of the boss/ years worked in a department

15 Leading Questions: Are worded in such a way that it would lead the respondent to answer in a way that the researcher would like to or want to give. E.g. Don’t you think that in these days of escalating costs of living employee should be given good pay raise? Better.. To what extent do you agree that employee should be given higher pay raise.

16 Example: Don’t you think that more women should be promoted to decision making line positions in organization

17 Loaded Questions: Are when they are phrased in an emotionally charged manner. E.g. To what extent do you think management is likely to be vindictive/(cruel) if the union decides to go on strike. Better…. To what extent you favor strike … To what extent you fear that there would be a adverse reaction from the management.

18 Did P.T.I Lose the elections in Punjab
Better P.T.I was not chosen in Punjab

19 Social Desirability: Is when questions are worded such that they elicit(draw out) socially desirable response e.g. Do you think that older people should be laid off? ..better … There are advantages and disadvantages to retaining senior citizens in the workforce. To what extent do you think companies should continue to keep the elderly on their payroll.

20 Exercise If you have been in the company for fifteen years please indicate the year of joining or the name of you colleague. Bad question as it is recall dependent

21 My colleague is good and efficient .
Bad Question: Double Barreled

22 Working Women should not have children.
Bad: Loaded question an emotional issue for women

23 Investment in children's future should be an important goal of the administration.
Bad Question: Socially desirability

24 This job uses a lot of skills I have.
Okay no problem with the wordings

25 For this country to keep on remaining competitive should we not spend more on research.
Bad: Leading question

26 Other Guide lines Length (20 words) Sequencing (funneling , same positive and negative question) Classification Data or Personal Data

27 Recap Questionnaires Personally Administered Questionnaires
Mail questionnaires Guide line for wordings Content and purpose (Subjective vs Objective) Language and wording ( slang/technical) Types of formats (open / closed ended) Positively worded and Negatively worded Bias/ Favoritism(Leading, loaded, ambiguous, double barrel, socially desirable) Length of the question Funneling

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