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@CharterSELPA /EDCOECharterSELPA Steering Breakout Session: Independent Study, Home Instruction, & Home Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "@CharterSELPA /EDCOECharterSELPA Steering Breakout Session: Independent Study, Home Instruction, & Home Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 @CharterSELPA /EDCOECharterSELPA Steering Breakout Session: Independent Study, Home Instruction, & Home Hospital

2 2 Change in Placement Independent Study (IS) Home Hospital Home Instruction IMPORTANT: All three placements must be discussed at an IEP and documented.

3 3 Federal laws, state laws, and funding restrictions guide Exec. Committee & CEO Council and are applied uniformly across our SELPA. Independent Study The purpose of independent study is to provide an alternative education program that is available to all students across all grade levels. Voluntary. Document why Independent Study is appropriate in the IEP. Instruction may be provided in the home, on a school site, or virtually. LEA is responsible for the provision of general education as well as special education and related services as deemed appropriate by the IEP team. Special education and related services must continue based on student need while enrolled in the independent study program and must not be decreased based solely on availability of student, staff and/or resources. LEA should have IS policy in place per CDE guidelines and process on how instruction will be implemented. (See sample IS policy in SEIS) Recommended for students with personal short-term needs.

4 4 Federal laws, state laws, and funding restrictions guide Exec. Committee & CEO Council and are applied uniformly across our SELPA. Home Instruction Also referred as Homebound Instruction or Instruction in the Home and is considered a placement on the continuum of services for students with IEPs or 504. Instruction is provided in the home as they are unable to access the educational program due to a temporary or ongoing medical disability as prescribed by a medical report (physician, psychologist) and states the condition, certifies that the condition limits attendance, and has projected dates for student’s return to school. May not necessarily be temporary if student has significant health or behavioral needs. Considered most restrictive on continuum and should be closely considered and monitored. The team determines the number of hours of instruction and services necessary to meet the needs of the student and setting i.e. individual, small group, or teleclass. LEA/district is responsible for the provision of general education as well as special education and related services as deemed appropriate. Must be individually designed to assure student is able to make progress on goals and objectives. Instruction (Gen Ed & SPED) as well as related services must be provided by credentialed and certified staff. All materials to be provided by the LEA at no cost to the parent. Parents do not need to be present, but recommended.

5 5 Federal laws, state laws, and funding restrictions guide Exec. Committee & CEO Council and are applied uniformly across our SELPA. Home/Hospital Instruction (HHI) The HHI Program serves all students with temporary disabilities (physical, mental, or emotional) for whom it is impossible or unadvisable to attend regular classes, regardless of their disability status. Temporary period due to significant illness, a communicable disease, a broken limb significantly impacting mobility, or is temporarily unable to attend school due to subsequent emotional trauma (with medical documentation of return date). Requested by the parent per physicians written description of disabling condition. District has 5 days to determine if appropriate. If appropriate the district and LEA also has 5 days to implement instruction and services. School district or county provides the instruction (typically supports core courses only). A charter would enter into an agreement with the district/county to provide instruction. The charter would be responsible for FAPE. Individual instruction is in the home or hospital depending on student condition. One clock hour of instruction per calendar day, up to 5 hours per week.

6 6 Federal laws, state laws, and funding restrictions guide Exec. Committee & CEO Council and are applied uniformly across our SELPA. I.S., HHI, & Home Instruction Identified Need based on data/documented information IEP held to discuss change in placement with setting, timeframe, and services documented Goals and objectives monitored. Remember ED Benefit!

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