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Project management and communication structure Nataša Urbančíková Faculty of Economics Technical University of Košice.

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Presentation on theme: "Project management and communication structure Nataša Urbančíková Faculty of Economics Technical University of Košice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project management and communication structure Nataša Urbančíková Faculty of Economics Technical University of Košice

2 1/24/20162 The basic rules: The communication with VATI can be done only through project coordinator – TUKE The project coordinator should be informed on all deviations, problems, requests…

3 Responsibilities: Project Coordinator: responsible for financial management and overall project coordination WP leaders: – responsible for WP management – Prepare the detailed WP plan, timetable – Coordinate work within WPs – Report to project coordinator 1/24/20163

4 4 Project meetings PM will take place 4x. The partners’ meetings will last 1 or 2 days, and normally will begin in the morning at about 9.00 p.m., or at a time convenient for all partners for reaching the place. The Consortium meetings are the main events in, which the partners meet, exchange opinions, discuss and evaluate the progression of project activities. The meetings are chaired by the project coordinator. The main items on the agenda will normally concern the activities to be done and the products/deliverables which are the expected project outputs (and have to be reported to the VATI), with the connected decision making processes and approval of action plans.

5 At each meeting a summary of the activities carried on by: – each WP – each partner will be presented. The Project coordinator will prepare the draft agenda for each meeting, with the contribution of the appropriate work package leaders and the host region. The draft agenda shall be circulated for comments at least 2 weeks before the meeting. The final agenda and the drafts of the documents to be discussed will be distributed at least one week before the meeting. After the Consortium meetings, all actions agreed and decisions taken will be reported in the meeting minutes written by the Project coordinator and uploaded in the project intranet within 10 working days from the meeting. The opinion of the minority will be reported if requested. 1/24/20165

6 The project coordinator commits to keep the minutes faithful to the actual meeting discussions and decisions, and to try and find a fair balance between the right for each partner to express his/her individual point of views and positions and the necessity to reach common views and position in order to bring the project forward as a creation of the Consortium as a whole. Partners are required to check the minutes. Any comments/requests of modification or implementation have to be sent to the project coordinator within 10 working days from the publication in order to be taken into consideration and processed. The final approval of the minutes will take place during the following meeting. 1/24/20166

7 E-mails E-mail is the preferred means of communication among partners and is recommended for daily contacts and for the transmission of reports and documents (no bigger than 5MB). The text of the mail addressed to all partners should be in English, so that it can be comprehensible for all. Use plain text with no format. The subject of each email should follow the following scheme: “CLUSTERING WPn: issue” (e.g. CLUSTERING WP3: Mutual Learning Model Draft”). The emailing list will be made available on the restricted area of CLUSTERING Moodle platform. 1/24/20167

8 Phone and fax, Mail and Express Courier Communicating by phone is preferable in case of a specific and important theme that requires immediate solution. The fax has to be used for instance for circulating documents which do not have and electronic version or for important formal communications, otherwise email and scann is always preferable. Mail can be used for the transfer of documents when (signed) originals are needed and are sent sufficiently in advance. The express courier has to be preferred when it is necessary to send original documents and in a short time. 1/24/20168

9 CLUSTERING website The overall action purpose is to improve information flow and exchanges among project partners and between them and other regions, to inform those outside of the project of activities and results by means of reports, documents, presentations, etc. In English AND national versions (SK and UA) The website will include a public and a password required section: I. Public section: – Project description including partners information; – All Deliverables open to public – information about upcoming and other relevant events; – Workhsops: practical information and presentations from the workhsops; – Documents: PDF version of the CLUSTERING dissemination materials; – Links: relevant links to the partners and other subjects. 1/24/20169

10 II. The password required area will be reserved for the following documents: – Detailed Work Plans; – Minutes of the meetings; – Deliverables; – Reports. Recomendation: to create Moodle platform for materials exchange –done by TUKE 1/24/201610

11 Deadline for sending info about requested inputs: June 20, 2012 by TUKE Deadline for sending inputs to TUKE: July 31, 2012 by each partner INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS

12 Publicity obligations See: COMMUNICATION GUIDELINES FOR PROJECTS COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY MANUAL for European Union External Actions information/communication-guidelin es-for- projects/154 information/communication-guidelin

13 http://www.huskroua- Guidelines%20for%20Projects_Version%201.p df http://www.huskroua- Guidelines%20for%20Projects_Version%201.p df Includes all – logos, – disclaimers, – references – general statements....

14 Thanks for attention

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