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EPSCoR Overview (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) Dr. Nancy Dixon, Program Director for Outreach National Science Foundation Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "EPSCoR Overview (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) Dr. Nancy Dixon, Program Director for Outreach National Science Foundation Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPSCoR Overview (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) Dr. Nancy Dixon, Program Director for Outreach National Science Foundation Conference on Developing National Science Foundation Centers Phone (405) 744-9993 E-mail

2 EPSCoR Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): A $75.0 million per year research competitiveness development program involving 21 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. These twenty-two jurisdictions have traditionally received a lesser amount of NSF research and educational funding.

3 EPSCoR’s Origin Congressional concerns about inequities in the geographic distribution of federal R&D funds resulted in adoption of a National Science Board Resolution (NSB 78-12) in support of EPSCoR’s objective. “ To improve the quality of science and increase the ability of scientists in eligible states to compete successfully for federal funds.”

4 EPSCoR Retrospect FY 1980-92: Support of individual investigators and small research groups capable of becoming nationally competitive. FY 1992-97: Develop S&T infrastructure and support research clusters in areas with potential to obtain ongoing R&D support. FY 1997-99: Support S&T infrastructure and support research clusters in areas with potential to obtain ongoing R&D support. FY 1997-99: Support S&T infrastructure development and “seed fund” selected R&D projects. Co-fund proposals submitted to NSF’s ongoing grant programs and conduct outreach. FY 2000: Increase support of S&T infrastructure development and expand co-funding and outreach activities

5 EPSCoR Cohorts FY 1985 Alabama Kentucky Nevada Oklahoma Puerto Rico Vermont Wyoming FY 1980 Arkansas Maine Montana South Carolina West Virginia FY 1987 Idaho Louisiana Mississippi South Dakota Kansas Nebraska FY 2000 Alaska Hawaii New Mexico

6 NSF Award Facts In FY 1999 scientists and engineers within the EPSCoR states achieved the following results: Submitted 11% of the proposals; Received 9% of the awards, for a 7% share of the total funding; and Earned an average funding rate of 27% as compared to the overall NSF average of 32%.

7 Strategy & Outcomes Strategy: View each EPSCoR jurisdiction within the context of their stage of R&D development and support only those activities that “add significant value” to their existing S&T enterprise in ways that will result in : (1) a high level of individual entrepreneurial research activity and (2) increased competitiveness for federal and private sector R&D support. Expected Outcome: Increased competitiveness of EPSCoR researchers and institutions for NSF support as evidenced by an improved success rate for proposals submitted to the NSF’s ongoing grant programs.

8 EPSCoR Funding Mechanisms Research Infrastructure Improvement Grants: 36- month awards of up to $9.0 million to support research infrastructure improvements. A 50% non-federal matching share over the term of the award is required. Co-Funding Initiative: Joint support of proposals submitted by EPSCoR researchers to the NSF’s ongoing grant programs. Outreach Initiative: Visits by NSF program officers and professional staff to acquaint EPSCoR researchers with NSF priorities, programs, and policies and to expose NSF personnel to the R&D resources residing within EPSCoR states.

9 EPSCoR Outreach A direct, effective contact between EPSCoR researchers and NSF program officers and staff. A comprehensive program for EPSCoR states to stimulate submission of a greater number of high quality proposals.

10 Outreach Process State Initiated Visits: Researchers invite NSF Program officers by either contacting the NSF staff directly or by contacting their state EPSCoR Project Director for assistance. NSF Initiated Visits: NSF staff contact individual EPSCoR researchers or the state’s Project Director. Selection of NSF Staff: Contact information for appropriate NSF staff is located at the NSF web site Note: Researchers should inform the state’s EPSCoR Project Director of all outreach visits.

11 NSF EPSCoR Topical Conferences Scheduled FY 1999 - 2001 TOPICDATEHOST Regional Materials Research & Engineering2/9/99NSF EPSCoR (Arlington, VA) Biological Sciences6/16/99SD Social, Behavioral, Economic Sciences9/9/99WY Materials Research12/16/99NE Polar Programs3/9/00NV Engineering Conference5/26/00AL Environmental Engineering6/9/00KY Satellite/Wireless Computing Informational Conference 7/20/00- 7/21/00 NPACI ( San Diego, CA)

12 NSF EPSCoR Topical Conferences Scheduled FY 1999 - 2001 TOPICDATEHOST Nanoscale Science & Engineering Solicitation Briefing 8/21/00NSF EPSCoR (Arlington, VA) Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences9/29/00SD Proposal Development10/21/00WY Research in Learning11/30/00NE Satellite/Wireless Follow-up12/7/00NV Materials Issues in Nanotechnology1/18/01AL Developing S&T Centers3/23/01KY


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