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1 Overcoming Grants Rage New South Wales Government Grants Administration Reform Best Practice in Grantmaking Conference Melbourne.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Overcoming Grants Rage New South Wales Government Grants Administration Reform Best Practice in Grantmaking Conference Melbourne."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Overcoming Grants Rage New South Wales Government Grants Administration Reform Best Practice in Grantmaking Conference Melbourne - February 17 2006

2 2 Overview of presentation  Snapshot of NSW Government Grants  Background  What were we asked to do?  What have we done so far?  What still needs to be done?

3 3 Snapshot of NSW Government grants in 2003  $7 billion  42 funding departments  700 grants programs  11,000 recipients  $2.9 billion to NGOs

4 4 Background  Agreement between NSW Government and NGO human services sector  Building capacity of NGO Sector  Grants administration reform

5 5 What were we asked to do?  Terms of Reference  Develop options to streamline grants administration from both a Government and non-government perspective.

6 6 What were we asked to do? (Cont’d)  In-principals endorsement for policy changes  Move from historical basis of funding  Move to longer term agreements  Capacity to transfer funds to emerging issues  Streamline management arrangements  Introduce ‘risk management’ practices

7 7 What were we asked to do? (Cont’d)  Operational Improvements  Planning and needs analysis  Applications and assessment  Monitoring and review

8 8 What have we done?  Value for Money  Fairness, Integrity and Transparency  Cooperation  Diversity   Consistency   Coordination   Accountability   Probity   Over-arching Principles

9 9 What have we done? (cont’d)  Public access to grants information

10 10 What have we done? (cont’d)  Integrated grants planning model  Regional coordination  Evidence based  Formal engagement with community sector

11 11 What have we done? (cont’d)  Applications and Assessment  Model application form  Guidelines for assessment practice  Model funding agreement

12 12 What have we done? (Cont’d)  Monitoring & Review  Simplified reporting templates  Rationalised NGO and agency sign-off

13 13 What still needs to be done?  Reporting grants expenditure – pilot implement  Grants planning model – pilot and implement  Rationalise reviewing NGOs against service standards  Publish better practice guide for grants administration


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