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PA School Stabbing. Flailing away with two kitchen knives, a 16-year-old boy with a “blank expression” stabbed and slashed 21 students and a security.

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1 PA School Stabbing

2 Flailing away with two kitchen knives, a 16-year-old boy with a “blank expression” stabbed and slashed 21 students and a security guard in the crowded halls of Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville, Pennsylvania. He was not stopped until an assistant principal tackled him. The suspect is Alex Hribal, a sophomore at the high school where the attack took place. He was arrested on Wednesday at the scene and later charged with four counts of attempted homicide and 21 counts of aggravated assault. He was treated for a minor hand wound, jailed without bail, and authorities said he would be prosecuted as an adult. The injured, five of whom were critically wounded, were between the ages of 14 and 17 years old. Although some injuries were life threatening, all are expected to survive due to the swift reaction and bravery of a number of students, teachers, and first responders. The entire event, during which the boy ran wildly down about 200 feet of hallway, slashing away with knives 8 to 10 inches long, was over in about five minutes. Murrysville Police Chief Tom Seefeld said investigators haven't yet made sense of the mass stabbing. However, they do believe the attacks were random with no one being specifically targeted. Hribal is described as a “typical kid,” a B+ student, who everyone liked and was not from a dysfunctional family.

3 In Other News On Thursday a FedEx truck crossed a freeway and slammed head-on into a bus carrying students in Northern California, killing 10 people, including both drivers, five students and three chaperones. At least 34 people were taken to local hospitals. The bus was taking students from various Los Angeles-area schools to visit Humboldt State University in Arcata. The collision occurred in Orland, about 100 miles north of Sacramento. Kathleen Sebelius, who weathered heavy criticism over the flaw-filled launch of the Obamacare website, is resigning as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, a White House official said Thursday. President Barack Obama intends to nominate Sylvia Mathews Burwell, current director of the Office of Management and Budget, to replace Sebelius, according to officials. CBS announced today that Stephen Colbert will succeed David Letterman when he walks away from the Late Show at the end of this year. Colbert is best known for The Colbert Report, the hit fake news show in which he impersonates a right-wing blowhard. Colbert will be leaving his right-wing persona behind along with his Comedy Central show, which he has hosted for nine years. This morning Wal-Mart announced that it would begin carrying products from the Wild Oats organic line—and that it would offer the goods at prices that are at least 25% cheaper than their organic competitors. Walmart’s actions could make the organic food market go supernova. Theatrical rockers Kiss, Grunge pioneers Nirvana and troubadour Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) were among the artists inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at a ceremony in New York Thursday.

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