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Membership Mark Huddleston District 9520 Membership & PR Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Mark Huddleston District 9520 Membership & PR Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership Mark Huddleston District 9520 Membership & PR Chair

2 Globally 1.2 Million (static for over 20 years) We recruit and lose 100,000 members every year Global membership shifting from the DEVELOPED world to the DEVELOPING world Recent Membership Trends

3 CANADA -4,167 ENGLAND -7,743 USA -58,481 BRAZIL +4,045 GERMANY +11,114 INDIA +34,063 AUSTRALIA -5,260 TAIWAN +7,567 S.KOREA +12,671 JAPAN -23,248 Largest Nett Membership Gains & Losses 2003-2013

4 District 9520 1360 (March 1, 2015) 1364 50 inductions



7 CANADA -4,167 ENGLAND -7,743 USA -58,481 BRAZIL +4,045 GERMANY +11,114 INDIA +34,063 AUSTRALIA -5,260 TAIWAN +7,567 S.KOREA +12,671 JAPAN -23,248 Largest Nett Membership Gains & Losses 2003-2013

8 What does Rotary mean in the developing world?


10 What does Rotary mean in the developed world?

11 Old men & BBQs

12 ?

13 What’s in it for me?

14 Retention

15 So, why are people leaving us?

16 Death Poor health Relocation Change in work responsibility Competing priorities So, why are people leaving us? “Uncontrollables”

17 So, why are people leaving us? “Controllables” Lack of involvement/engagement/inclusion Lack of direction & leadership Conflict with other members Inflexible attendance requirements Input not sought or valued Membership did not meet expectations Unfair distribution of workload Unwillingness to modernise/change Boring meetings Affordability Poor venue/meal quality Termination

18 So, why are people leaving us? “Controllables” Lack of involvement/engagement/inclusion Conflict with other members (major contributor to losses of newer members) (major contributor to losses of experienced members)

19 Responsibility Recognition Leadership pathways Sense of belonging Networking opportunities Fellowship / social interaction Skill Development Challenges Interpersonal Relationships Fulfilment / achievement Personal growth / Broadening of Horizons Assimilation into a new community Project ownership / Empowerment Sense of purpose / direction Mentoring Support for your cause Fun / entertainment Education Keeping active International Understanding Humanitarian Service Community Involvement What do you need from your Rotary membership? What’s in it for me?

20 Membership Committee Plans & Objectives Provide toolbox of Resources

21 Membership Committee Plans & Objectives Presentations to Club & Groups

22 Membership Committee Plans & Objectives Keeping retention in the spotlight

23 Membership Committee Plans & Objectives Club revival planning

24 Membership Committee Plans & Objectives Club revival planning


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