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Relations Between Human and Nonhuman Animals

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Presentation on theme: "Relations Between Human and Nonhuman Animals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relations Between Human and Nonhuman Animals
Food, clothing Pets, bird feeders Entertainment Zoos, hunting, fishing, bird watching, snorkling Human incursions on animal habitats Pest control Flee spray, extermination, rodent control

2 Relations Between Human and Nonhuman Animals
Interdependence Usage: Agriculture: 8,539,848,000 Total research: 8,452,186 0.099% of total animals used

3 The Three R’s of Animal Research Russell & Burch, 1959
Replace animal testing with other techniques Reduce the number of animals needed with statistical techniques Refine the experimental procedure to reduce discomfort (“suffering”)

4 Alternatives to Animal Research
Naturalistic observations Plants Tissue cultures Computer simulation

5 Issues Importance of considering the animal’s umweldt
Animal welfare vs animal rights Anti-intellectual impact of restrictions on animal research

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