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1 Functions

2 Inverse Relation Let R be a relation from X to Y. R-1 = {yR-1x | xRy }
Examples of R & R-1: x < y & y > x. x | y & y is an integral multiple of x.

3 Functions R(a) = { b | aRb } is the image of a under R.
If R is an equivalence relation, then R(a) = [a]. Let A & B be nonempty sets. A function f : A  B is a relation from A to B such that: a  A,  b B, a f b, denoted f(a) = b Every element of A has at least 1 image. [ f(x) = y  f(x) = z ]  y = z. Every element of A has at most 1 image.

4 Domain Let f : A  B. The domain of f is A. The co-domain of f is B.
The range of f is { b |  a  A, f(a) = b }. Example: f : N  N, f(x) = 2x. The co-domain of f is N. The range of f is the even natural numbers.

5 Images When f(a) = b, b is said to be the image of a under f (just as for general relations). f-1(b) = { a | f(a) = b } is the set of preimages of b: the set of elements in A that map to b. If f is an equivalence relation, is f-1(b) = [b]? Why? For f : N  N, f(x) = 2x, what is f-1(3) ?

6 Visualizing Functions
Visualize functions via the vertical line test. A relation that violates rule 1: every element has an image A relation that violates rule 2: every element’s image is unique. A graph that is discontinuous. A graph where the co-domain  the range.

7 Surjective (onto) functions
Let f: X Y be a function. f is surjective (aka onto) when the f’s range = f’s co-domain: y Y, x X, f(x) = y.

8 Surjective (onto) functions ...
Examples: f:   , f(n) = 2n is not surjective. f:   , f(n) = 2n is surjective. f:   , f(x) = x2 is not surjective. f: Z  Z, f(x) = x - 21 is surjective. f: Z  {0,1,2,3}, f(x) = x mod 4 is surjective. f: +  + , f(x) = x2 is surjective.

9 Injective Functions Function f is injective when x  y  f(x)  f(y).
Examples: f: Z  Z, f(x) = x2 (injective?) f: Z  Z, f(x) = 2x (injective?) f: Z  {0,1,2,3}, f(x) = x mod (injective?)

10 Bijective Functions A function is bijective when it is surjective and injective. A bijective function also is known as a 1-to-1 correspondence. Examples: f: Z  Z, f(x) = x (bijective?) f:    , f(x) = 2x (bijective?)

11 Invertible Functions Let f: X  Y be a function.
Let f-1: Y  X be the inverse relation: f-1 = {(y,x) | f(x) = y}. Theorem: f-1 is a function if and only if f is a bijection.

12 Proof ( ) Proof ( ): If f-1 is a function then f is bijective.
y Y,  x X, f-1 (y) = x. This means f is surjective. (Illustrate) [f-1 (y) = x  f-1 (y) = z ]  x = z This means f is injective. (Illustrate) Therefore, f is bijective.

13 Proof ( ) Proof ( ): If f is bijective then f-1 is a function.
f is surjective: y Y,  x X, f (x) = y. Equivalently, y Y,  x X, f-1 (y) = x. (Illustrate) That is, every y has an image in X under f-1. f is injective: x1  x2  f(x1)  f(x2). Equivalently, f (x1) = f (x2)  x1 = x2. Equivalently, (f-1 (y) = x1  f-1 (y) = x2)  x1 = x2. That is, f-1 (y) is unique. (Illustrate) Therefore, f-1 is a function.

14 Bijection Example Let f:   , f(x) = x2 When f is bijective,
f-1 = {(y,x) | x2 = y}  x, both x & -x when squared produce x2. Illustrate. Transpose the vertical test to see if f-1 is a function. When f is bijective, f-1 ( f(x) ) = f-1 (y) = x f ( f-1(y)) = f(x) = y

15 Composition of Functions
In general, functions do not commute: Example: r(x) = x + 1 s(y) = y2 Then, s(r(x)) = (x + 1)2 r(s(x)) = x2 + 1

16 Characters                           

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